𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫: 𝟏𝟓✰

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"Losing everything, all at once"

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"Losing everything, all at once"

Nicki was at a loss for words. She felt the floor disappear below her as Robyn held that sinister smile. Nicki tried her hardest to keep her tears in, but soon enough, she felt something warm roll down her cheek. Defeated wasn't the word to begin to describe how awful she felt, nor could she find any words either. Nicki looked up from the floor, seeing her sister put away the last dish before placing a kiss on her sister's forehead. Suddenly that sadness turned into bitter anger, as she clenched her fist.

"You'll see, this will be better for you-" Nicki quickly grabbed Robyn's wrist, throwing it off of her shoulder. Robyn widened her eyes at the sudden action of her little sister. "What the hell, Nicki?"

"Don't touch me! I hate you! I swear!" Nicki cried out pushing her into the wall. Robyn roughly threw Nicki's hands off of her, her mouth not forming any words.

"Nicki. cut it out! You should know I'm doing this for you-" Suddenly Robyn felt a sharp sting on her cheek. All time froze at that moment, even for Nicki. Robyn placed her cold hand on her cheek, feeling the chilling sensation. Robyn was more than surprised, at this action, she was more hurt than ever. However, Nicki didn't stop there, as she felt rage and anger build up in her fist.

"You ruin everything for me!!" Nicki screamed as their mom walked down the stairs in a panic.

"What the hell is going on here?" she asked, watching the two bicker and go at it.

"Nicki, chill the fuck out man!" another slap, but this time it landed on Robyns's arm.

"I hate you!" Nicki cried again, tears covering her eyes. The pain and betrayal she felt were beyond words, and seeing how Robyn could ruin her life and just smile, made her angry. Robyn was already over it at this point. She grabbed Nicki, throwing her off of her. The two began fighting on the floor, Nicki was winning. She was on top, grabbing Robyn's hair while throwing her fist wherever she could. Carol was trying to separate them while calling for Beyonce, knowing she was too weak from the sight of both of her children hurting each other.

"What the hell??" Beyonce yelled as she grabbed Nicki from off of her sister. The two had blood painted on their faces, and deep breaths were heard from everyone.

"You know what!? I'm done!" Robyn shouted, getting off of the floor. "You wanna leave the only family you got?! You wanna go out in the world with someone who doesn't even have you like I do?! Go ahead!" Robyn grabbed the paper out of her pocket which was folded up, she then threw it at Nicki's face. Nicki was silent, the tears mixed with blood rolled down her cheeks as she watched her sister grab her things while their mom tried to talk to her. Her mother was crying as well, trying to talk to Robyn.

Nicki looked down at her hands, seeing the bruises. She heard her name, and her mother and Robyn's voices yelling at each other, but it was all muffled, almost mute. She looked at Beyonce who was holding her, though this time, she knew that Beyonce's presence wasn't going to be enough to numb the feeling.

"Nicki...you okay?" she asked softly, taking Nicki's hands in hers. All she could do was watch her family break apart, and it was all her fault. Abruptly, she heard the door slam, which broke her train of thought. Her mother sighed as she wiped her tears, not even wanting to make eye contact with Nicki.

"M-mom?" Nicki called out, her hands trembling in Beyonce's hold. Carol shook her head while pivoting her attention to her daughter. Carol felt horrified and mostly angry. She saw how her family was torn to shreds, but she just didn't know who to blame. "M-mom!" Nicki cried out, trying to walk to her, Carol gulped the painful lump in her throat, attempting to not cave in and fall to the ground and sob. Her heart was filled with pain, nothing else.

"Onika, I..."

"I'm so sorry! " Nicki sobbed as she fell in her mother's arms. Beyonce felt pity for this family, feeling like she was the cause of all of this.

"Sorry won't fix this, Oni. I've always told you that family always comes first. You were all that Robyn had!" she said coldly.

"What about what I need? Did you expect me to let you control me forever!? You only care about what Robyn wants-"

"Oni! Enough! You know better!" Carol snapped. Beyonce saw Nicki getting overwhelmed, her violent cries were enough to make her sick.

"Nicki! Just leave it alone, it's obvious they don't care about you now that you've chosen what you want. Come on." Beyonce took Nicki in her arms, leading her to the door. They began walking to Beyonce's home, the leaves fell gently as Beyonce tried to calm her down. She placed kisses on the shorter one, whispering sweet nothings. Once the two got to the house, Beyonce took Nicki to her room, seeing that her mom was at work. She carefully placed Nicki on the bed and then lay beside her. Nicki dug herself under Beyonce, crying into her sweatshirt.

"It's all my fault." Nicki hiccupped, Beyonce sighed deeply while caressing the shorter ones' hair.

"Stop, it's not. It's your family. They need to learn that you won't be little and vulnerable forever. They needed to learn how to let go. It's not your fault that you chose yourself." Nicki looked up at Beyonce. She saw how puffy Nicki's eyes were, which caused her to wipe the remaining tears with her thumb. "Judt relax before you get sick. It will all get better." Nicki took deep breaths as she played with Beyonce's necklace, which she didn't mind at all.

After Nicki relaxed, she showed Beyonce her hands, a frown forming on her face. Beyonce smiled as she got up, pulling Nicki with her. The two walked to the bathroom, and Beyonce pulled out pink band-aids and alcohol wipes.

"I didn't know you could fight Oni. I was so proud." Beyonce laughed as Nicki giggled while looking down. Beyonce wiped off the little blood that was on her hands and some on her face. Then she placed the band-aids on the cuts on Nicki's knuckles.

The two walked back into Beyonce's room, and to keep Nicki distracted, they played with the stuffed animals, drew, and finished the day by making tea and watching SpongeBob. It didn't take long before Nicki fell asleep in Beyonce's arms. Nicki felt at ease and in comfort as she felt a warm presence, though she couldn't stop thinking about the family she no longer has. At times, Beyonce would have to calm Nicki when she would randomly wake up and start crying. But she knew that soon enough, they would be safe in LA, With no one to hurt them.

It would just be them two.

𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫 - 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐚 Where stories live. Discover now