a/n (temporarily up)

508 22 5

(This is the Long explanation,

I'll have the shorter explanation at the bottom so you can just read that and not the long one)

HEY!! so I hope whoever is reading knows that I absolutely hate using full chapters for authors notes, but I feel like I should for this. 🤷‍♀️

I'm sorry this has been so slowly updating this story!

Honestly I just haven't been using Wattpad as much, and I'm planning on trying to use it more because I like writing.

I just kinda lost the ideas I had exactly, or aren't really sure how to write it down, so it's just been hard

On top of that, Wattpad likes to delete the work I have, which really sucks.

Ive also been working on chapters on other stories I have, mostly unpublished, but published as well.

Am in the process of writing the next chapter for this story actually, I just need to add more stuff so it's worth the wait, and not 500 words.

Soo, yeah, I'll be writing a bit more. Love y'all and if you read through the long version, I love you even more
♡ ♡ ♡


so basically, I haven't been writing as often due to not having many ideas or my work getting deleted.

But I plan on working more and harder to keep you updated on current stories or future stories I plan on publishing.

I have a chapter I'm currently working on for this story, and I'm hoping for it to be out pretty soon.

Love you guys, and I hope you're having a good new year!!


So, I have a story kind of like this one in my drafts except it goes more into detail what happened to the reader before they got put in the Demon slayer universe, and the reader is a human. But it's better written, and has an actual planned plot.

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