The Reason

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Soonyoung made his way towards his first class in which none of his friends are there.

So he goes to the very last seat and settles himself. He doesn't expect anyone to seat next to him so he just lays his head down till the teacher arrives.

As he puts his head down he hears some shuffling next to him. Curious as to who might have sat next to him he peaks his head up and his breath hitched to see none other than Seokmin besides him seating and taking out supplies from his bag.

Now Soonyoung looked around to see if there were any empty seats left or not.

And to his surprise there were many seats that were empty and Seokmin could have chosen any other seats rather than choosing to sit next to him.

He again looked around to see that the people present in the class also started murmuring about how they are surprised to see a cheerful Alpha seated next to the dangerous one.

"Seokmin oppa shouldn't seat next to that one, he is dangerous what if he doesn't like it"

"Why is he even sitting there in the first place, he might just snap at him for sitting next to him and disturbing his space".

"Seokmin has a death wish, I guess that is why"

"Soonyoung is looking at him with an expression less face. I am concerned"

"Hey that's Alpha Soonyoung for you, you can't just call him with his name"

Soonyoung scoffed hearing such comments from his fellow classmates.

Hearing the scoff Seokmin looked towards him questionably.

They had a minute of eye contact and Soonyoung cleared his throat feeling blush creeping on his face, he turned towards Seokmin and asked him,

"Umm there are so many empty seats in the class, so why did you choose this seat?"

"Eh?? Ohh no I just felt like seating at the back and this place was the best so I thought of sitting here",said Seokmin

"Oh ok"

"I hope you don't mind",asked Seokmin as he knew that in most of the lectures Soonyoung always sat alone and no one dared to sit next to him because of his rank.

But he sat here because he had something to tell Soonyoung, he didn't sit there just because he wanted to sit at the back but because he had some purpose with Soonyoung.

"Uh no no I don't, I am just surprised that someone upfrontly came and sat next to me",said Soonyoung chuckling

"Ahh ok", Seokmin felt bad for Soonyoung as he had only his three friends with whom he could speak and no one else tried to be friends with Soonyoung.

Well it could have been four if not for his parents who happened to stop him from being friends with Soonyoung.

They both stopped their conversation as the teacher had entered the class. He took the attendance and announced that the students can do whatever they want unless and until they don't make any sound and disturb the neighbouring classes.

Seokmin turned towards Soonyoung who was in his own world playing something on his phone, he took a deep breath and called Soonyoung by the name he used to call when they were young.


As soon as Soonyoung heard that name, he halted all his movements and stared at Seokmin wide eyed

"What did you just say to me?"


"Y-you remember me?",asked Soonyoung still in shock

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