Crowned Alpha

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It was after Joshua's eighteenth birthday that Seungcheol has to take over his pack and his responsibilities.

The head Alpha of Red moon pack was waiting for his son to find his mates and then he decided that it would be time to step down and let his son take over.

He knew that his son Seungcheol was afraid and wasn't sure about how he will be able to handle the pack.

He knew how his son was feeling as he himself has gone through that when he turned eighteen.

He had faith in his son and he knew that his wife, his Luna was watching Seungcheol from above and was beyond proud of him.

Seungcheol was in his room pacing back and forth muttering something.

"Will I be able to handle the pack like how dad did?"

"Will I be able to understand and solve their problems?

"Will they put their trust in me like how they trusted Dad in whatever he did?"

Will I be able to protect my pack?"

These all were the things he was muttering.

He has been practicing hard to make himself worthy to be the Head Alpha of his pack.

He was scared to take up the responsibility.

What if he fails?

"You won't fail. Have some faith in yourself", said his wolf softly.

"I know but I am scared Coups, what if I don't meet their expectations?"

"You don't have to worry about it. Just focus on your pack, you have seen how your dad has been handling the pack, follow his path and listen to your heart. Everything will be okay. You will be able to handle this pack. I believe in you", said S.coups

"Thankyou so much coups", he felt relieved after hearing the reassurance from his wolf.

Tomorrow he will be crowned as the Head Alpha of Red moon.

He just hopes nothing bad happens.

Tomorrow is also the new year celebration.

Every year at the occasion of New year. The Red moon pack hosts a grand party.

Surrounding packs are called to join them in celebrating the occasion.

The Head Alpha thought that what better than this to crown his son on the occasion of New year.

This also means that Jeonghan and Joshua, Seungcheol's mates are going to come and live with him as the Luna's of Red moon pack.

They are going to be by his side, supporting him in every decision he makes and helping him to handle the pack.

They both are equally nervous.

It is a big responsibility.

Joshua is more than scared, he doesn't know if he can do this.

He has been a shy person since he was born.

He hardly opened up to anyone.

He has never initiated a conversation by himself.

It was always that the others approached him.

And now he is going to be the Luna of the most respected pack.

Sure he has handled his own pack when his parents had died in a sudden attack.

But that time he had Vernon and Wonwoo by his side, who were more mature and understanding than him even though they were younger in age.

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