The After Math

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They all gathered near Jeonghan's house.

Thankfully it was big enough to fit everyone.

Seungcheol looked around and saw that it was clean, and Jeonghan's scent was still lingering in his household.

The whole house smelt like Jeonghan.

Jeonghan's scent was sweet. He had a Honey-like scent mixed with lilies.

Jeonghan went through everyone's injuries.

Some were badly injured like Jun, Seokmin and also Seungcheol.

But they had their perks of being an Alpha so they could heal quickly.

But nevertheless Jeonghan treated them and applied some ointment to reduce the pain.

On the other hand the omega's had quite a few injuries on them.

Minghao had it the most as he tried to fight them but the rogues were unexceptionally stronger than him.

Jeonghan carefully treated their wounds.

They were all hissing in pain and the others could painfully watch them.

Joshua had tears threatening to come out his eyes seeing his friends in pain.

He couldn't imagine what they must have gone through.

"I am glad nothing major happened to all of you", said Jeonghan breaking the silence.

"How did this even happen. How did they enter and kidnap you all?", asked Soonyoung

"Well even we don't know how it happened", said Wonwoo confused

"Huh?", asked Soonyoung flabbergasted

"Yes Soonyoung Alpha we ourselves don't know how did they kidnapped us. We just know that we suddenly woke up at an unknown place", said Minghao.

"Uh I think I might know what happened", said Chan quietly

Everyone looked towards him
"Well then explain kid, what exactly happened?", said Seungcheol

"He is not a kid", said Jihoon glaring at Seungcheol.

"Yeah I am not a kid, I am literally fifteen years old"

"Ok ok can we not go off topic?", said Vernon

"Chan ignore them and please tell us what exactly happened with you all", said Seokmin

"Ok Seok hyung"

*Flashback to 5 hrs ago*

When they all returned to their respective home after ditching school.

Chan had different plans though.

He decided to go near the river which connects to the Waterfall in the Crescent moon pack.

His missed his old house in Midnight moon pack so he made his mind to visit there.

He reached the river and inhaled the fresh air and the scent.

He always felt at peace whenever he visited this place.

When he was young, Vernon, Seungkwan and him always came here and spent their time playing without any care of the world.

But it all changed when an unexpected attack happened in his pack which destroyed everything.

That was the last time he saw his parents.

He was left heartbroken but he had his hyungs by his side who cheered him up even though they themselves were grieving for someone they lost in that attack.

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