Chatterbox Chaos

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(As the story unfolds, we find ourselves face-to-face with the living legend, All Might, and the guy with the hair that could rival a shampoo commercial, Eraser Head. Tension is rising, the wind is whooshing, and-)

{Yellow Box, stop the dramatic narration. We've got a story to tell, and Deadpool doesn't do dramatic pauses.}

(But it adds suspense!)

{Suspense? We're Deadpool! We live for chaos!}



"ALL MIGHT?!" I hollered, pretending to be all surprised.

{Okay, let's impress these guys! Say something epic!}

(Yeah, like 'Hello, All Might, remember me from the last superhero mixer?')

{Ugh, Yellow, we need better material.}

"Yeah, yeah, good idea, team," I whispered to the voices. Then, with all the charisma of a unicorn riding a skateboard, I blurted out, "All Might? More like All Right! You got an autograph book or should I just sign those biceps?"

{Oh no, we didn't just say that.}

(Yes, we did. Brace for impact.)

"What!? No... There's a chance he liked it!!" I grumbled to the voices.

All Might just blinked at me, smile faltering for a hot second, then replied, "Well, young one, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I believe my pecs are best left unsigned."

I shrugged dramatically, a glint of mischief in my eye, "Alright, All Might, how about a high-five and a selfie? Don't worry; I'll keep your pecs a secret—this time."

Eraser Head cut in with his no-nonsense vibe, "Cut the chatter, Deadpool. Your vigilante antics are causing too much trouble. I'm erasing your quirky commentary from this equation."

(Well, this is a first. Eraser Head just erased our banter. Rude much?)

{Can you blame him? I mean, we do tend to take the "chatterbox" label to a whole new level.}

(True, but it's our thing! Our shtick! What are we without the banter?)

{Maybe a bit more focused? Productive, even?}

(Nah, where's the fun in that? Besides, Eraser Head needs to loosen up. Maybe he should try telling a joke or two.)

{Or maybe we should just let him do his job without turning every situation into a stand-up comedy routine.}

(Fine, but if things get too serious, I'm blaming Eraser Head for taking the "fun" out of dysfunctional.)

{You do realize that's not how that phrase goes, right?}

(Details, White. Details.)

Leaning in, I whispered to the voices, "Psst, guys, did you hear that? Wrinkle-head over there thinks he can erase my jokes. I say we give him a taste of the ol' Wade Wilson charm."

(I'm all ears... figuratively speaking.)

{Please, let's not make this situation any worse.}

"Grumpy cat doesn't like my jokes, huh? Let's see if you can erase my moves too, Wrinkle-head! Time for a dance-off, my friend!"

I whipped out my knives, still dirty from the Bird-Thingy monster fight, and threw them with a flourish. Eraser Head and All Might dodged like a couple of pros.

"Is this really necessary? I erase quirks, not dodge cutlery," Eraser Head deadpanned.

"Wait, where is he?"

(Awwwww he misses us)

{Well he won't for long}

"I'm right here sweet heart!"

"And yes the knives were necessary. How else will I have a Distraction?"

I yelled, soaring through the air. Behind them, I aimed my fists, crashing down, making them eat dirt. All Might reached for my leg.


"Oh shit."

(Ew, was that a splat I heard? I think I need a mental shower.)

{Gross. Did we just become a pancake? And why does that splat sound worryingly squishy?}

(I'm officially grossed out. Do you think were part jelly now?)

{Well, whatever we are, at least it matches our colorful personality.}

(True, but can we erase the mental image of that splat? My eyes need some bleach.)

I'm, laying on the ground with a theatrical groan, whispering to the voices

"Psst, Yellow, White, I think I've officially joined the "Flatpool" club. And guess what? I've got a new dance move—The Break-Leg Boogie!"

((sarcastically) Oh, splendid. You always know how to make an entrance, or in this case, a splat.)

{Are you sure it's a dance move or just your bones protesting against gravity?}

"Details, my internal debate partners. Details. Now, how about a hand—or, you know, a chimichanga?"

{Wait, how does a chimichanga is even related to this conversation?}

(Seriously, can we talk to the writer? It's like they think chimichangas are the only thing on Deadpool's mind.)

{I mean, sure, he loves them, but come on! We have other things to discuss, like, I don't know, not breaking every bone in our body?}

I'm rolling my eyes

"Yeah, yeah, even I need a break from the chimichanga jokes. Let's mix it up, Writer. Throw in a taco reference or something. Spice of life, you know?"

(Agreed. A little variety never hurts anyone. Unlike, say, being thrown onto the ground by a certain overly enthusiastic hero.)

{So, dear writer, can we please diversify the Deadpool menu? Taco Tuesdays, maybe?}

I started feeling my inner puddle regenerating. Helping myself up, I hold my leg and pull it hard until CRACK.


All Might looks at me with disgust, and then he says, "Look, just come with us. We don't need to fight."

I cross my arms and say, "Yeah, but it's BETTER to fight."

"Wait, where is Mister McButt Face?"

BAM! I got hit in the back of my head, and I passed out.


End of chapter 2!!!

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