Fred & Bill

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The room was dimly lit, shadows playing on the walls like a black-and-white movie. I felt like the walls were closing in on me, and this detective, decked out in his noir gray getup, wasn't helping with the whole eerie atmosphere. My mind was racing through thoughts faster than a squirrel on a double espresso.

'What if this guy figures out I'm both Deadpool and Wade Wilson?'

'Should I swing by for sushi or hit up the taco truck later?'

'Am I about to get a one-way ticket to the big house?'

'I think I'll just get fish tacos'

Just as I was spiraling into full-blown panic mode—

"Wade! Wade!" the detective's voice cut through my mental chaos.

"What?! I'm trying to set the scene here!" I grumbled, feeling slightly peeved at being interrupted mid-thought.

"Set the scene?" the detective shot back, confusion etched across his face.

I quickly backpedaled, "Uh, never mind that. Why'd you drag me in here?"

"Well, you see, Mr. Wilson—" he started, and I couldn't resist interjecting.

"Please, call me Wade. Mr. Wilson was my dad. Unless you're my dad... in which case, awkward."

"Wade... you disappeared for days after the U.S.J. Incident. I need to ask you a few questions. Who were you with during that time?" the detective inquired, pen poised over his notepad.

"Uh, my class?" I offered, hoping that was a good enough answer.

He scribbled something down, then shot me another question. "Can you describe what led up to your disappearance?"

"Well, I just moseyed home after school, and my folks, being the overprotective types, kept me under house arrest for a bit after the U.S.J. shindig," I replied, trying to keep it light.

More scribbling. "And how did you end up in the arcade where you got that mysterious phone call?"

I scratched my head, caught off guard. "I was bored outta my skull, so I—Hold up! How'd you know about the arcade? Are you tracking my phone?" I shot back, my tone a mix of confusion and irritation.

"We can track your phone, but mostly we just heard the arcade noise in the background, which was a dead giveaway. Also, seriously, what is that smell?" the detective wrinkled his nose in disgust.

I caught a whiff of myself and made a face. "Oh, that'd be me. Sorry 'bout that."

"Well, we're done here. Go take a shower, for God's sake!" the detective exclaimed, waving me off.

"Sure thing, but just so we're clear, I'm only doing it for God," I shot back with a cheeky grin as I sauntered out of the office, leaving the detective to deal with my lingering aroma.


"Hey, Bill," The Detective called out as he strode into the common area of the police station, still attempting to shake off the lingering smell from his earlier encounter.

Bill looked up from his coffee with a quizzical expression. "Hey, Fred! How did the interrogation with the UA kid go?"

Fred grimaced slightly before responding, "It was fine, but something doesn't add up."

"What do you mean?" Bill inquired, setting down his mug.

"The kid claims he was holed up at home because of overprotective parents, but then he was caught hanging out at an arcade. Plus, he had this... unforgettable odor," Fred explained, settling onto the couch beside Bill.

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