Just some dudes argue

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(It's a fine evening there's calmness in the air the birds are quiet and no clouds in sight the winds are nice and cool and the-OKAY GODAMNIT, White where the fuck are you?!)

{I'm right here}

(Why aren't ya stopping me?)

{Why should I?}

(Well..uh...Because I'm annoying?)

{yeah, and?}

(It's just that...Ya know!)


(It's how we start every chapter! I'm narrating and you are mad at me and we fight because the writer thinks it's funny!)

{Well last time I had to clean up everything!}

(We are friggin 'voices, what can you possibly clean up?!)

{The brain.}

(Both of us know that our brain is so messed up even Hygieia, the god of health and cleanliness, can't do it!)





"How do you not know what happened? You're literally squatting in my noggin!"

{Well, no one's narrating...}


Yellow, it's your cue, do the thing!"


"Why not?"

{He's just upset that I'm not upset.}

"What? I'm not even gonna ask. Yellow, just do your magic."

(I want White to apologize first.)


"Come on, White, spill the beans! I don't think the readers signed up for a story where three versions of me are bickering all day. By the way, readers, don't you dare skip this part! I know the writer sucks -Hey! :(- but still, don't skip it!" (Throws in some puppy eyes and a dramatic sigh)


{We're not in a comic; the readers can't see you.}

(And ya ugly)



{Arghhhhh, Fine!}

{I'm sorry! Okay, Yellow?}


{What? No?!?}

(Do it like you mean it.)

{Okay, okay. I'm sorry, Yellow. I really am...}

(Apology accepted.)

"Alright, Yellow, your turn to shine! Say something witty and annoyingly yellow."

(Oh, come on! I just accepted an apology, cut me some slack.)

"Yellow, do the thing or I swear I'll start singing 'It's a Small World' in your head on repeat."

(You wouldn't dare.)

"Try me."

(Fine. You win, Deadpool. Here's your dose of yellow wisdom: Never trust a burrito that stares back at you.)

"Deep, Yellow, really deep. Now, White, tell us a joke or something. Lighten the mood!"

{Why did the chicken join a band? Because it had the drumsticks!}

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