League of Villains

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(The bright and warm sun is illuminating the sky and casting its rays over the massive silver dome that towers over the area. This dome is widely known as the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or simply U.S.J. A group of twenty students were filled with excitement and anticipation as they approached the area, eager to witness the extraordinary quirk abilities of their instructors. However, their excitement was abruptly shattered when the twenty-first student revealed a shocking and terrifying display of their quirk abilities, leaving the rest of the group in utter disbelief and fear.)


"Alright! U.S.J! I've heard a lot about this place, let's hope it's as good as they say," I playfully asked my friends, waiting for an answer that didn't come.

"Eh... guys?" I asked again, surprised by the sudden silence. I turned around to see my classmates still on the bus, looking at me without knowing what to do. "What are yo-- Oh yeah, I'm covered in blood, yeah..."

Then, out of nowhere, Aizawa appeared. "Wilston."

"HOLY FUCK!" I shouted, surprised not expecting the tired man to appear like that. "Care to explain why you are covered in blood and bruises?" Aizawa said, his face looking calm, but I could hear his irritation in his voice.

"Oh, just me and Explody having a brawl... You know, not much," I replied with a grin as Aizawa just walked past me towards Bakugou.

"Is that true?" He asked him.

"What, that he's a fucking lunatic?" He replied, gesturing with his red eyes towards me, trying to sound intimidating, but I could see he was still puzzled by my previous actions.

"Language," Aizawa sharply said to Bakugou.

(He sounds like Cap. I wonder if he's in this fanfic universe? We should totally go check later.)

"Bakugou, we will talk later. Now, everyone, let's start class."


As we stepped inside the vast building, my eyes were immediately drawn to the remarkable dome-like structure that loomed above us. The interior was an astonishing sight to behold, teeming with multiple areas that adorned every corner. I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw miniature versions of forests, villages, fires, storms, crashed buildings, mountains, and even a lake, all contained within the walls of a single building. The sheer magnitude of this place left everyone feeling exhilarated and eager to begin their hero training.

(Hey! It's my job to narrate! :( )

"Heh, I do it better"


Thirteen, the space gal with a notable lack of certain assets, enthusiastically welcomed us to U.S.J. I couldn't help but wonder about the missing curves in her spacesuit. Cue Yellow's perverted commentary.

(Where's her boobs?)



-Not yet, we need to wait for the right time.-

{"Right time"?! But you left Wade with the voice of insanity! What's he going to do without me?! I'm the voice of reason around here!!}


{Oh, I see, you made this dialogue not to bring me bac;k you just wanted to tell the readers about your 'plans'.}


{Oh man...}


As Thirteen continued her welcome speech, my brain was dealing with a cosmic-level crisis, thanks to Yellow's cosmic-level commentary.

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