The Dark Room

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{(whispering) Uh, Yellow? Buddy? You there?}



{(panicking) Come on, don't leave me hanging! Did I get knocked too hard in the noggin? Is this the great white void they talk about?}

Still, silence

{Yellow, seriously, talk to me! I'm not ready for the afterlife, especially without my witty counterpart!}


((between laughs) Oh, White, you should've seen your letters! Classic!)

{You son of a bitch! What was that for???}

(Ha ha... Just a little prank to spice things up, my friend. You should've seen the panic in your eyes!... Do you have eyes?

{Prank? This is serious business, Yellow! I thought I was lost in the abyss of eternal quiet!}

((mockingly) Relax, White. It's all in good fun. Besides, a little chaos never hurt anyone.)

{A little chaos? You nearly gave me a heart attack. I'll show you chaos!}




{Here we go all better}


"Urgh..." I mutter, "My head hurts like hell..." as I open my eyes slowly I see nothing but darkness "Weird" I'm trying to stand up but then I fell my legs and hands are tied up to the chair I was sitting on "Where am I?" I whispered to myself

{I have no idea, maybe we should try and remember the last thing that happened to us?}

"Good idea" I paused and started thinking super hard

"The last thing I recall is being on a bridge... We fought someone maybe two someones?"
{Yeah! All Might and Eraser Head!}

"Yeah! It's all coming back! Then I got hit in the back of my head and I passed out... But everything is blank afterwords"


"yeah... Hey, White, have you noticed Yellow being oddly silent today? It's like he's taken a vow of verbal chastity or something."

{Oh, you know, Yellow's just... resting.}

"Resting? Since when do voices in my head take naps? Did he find a cozy little hammock in the corner of my brain or something?"

"Well, everyone needs a break, right? Even the voices in your head deserve some R&R."

"R&R? Do they get spa treatments too? Massages for the neural pathways?"

{Hey, what's wrong with the voices taking a break? Do you think we're just here 24/7 for your amusement?}

"Uh, no, no, of course not! I just didn't know you guys, you know, rest. I mean, I didn't mean to assume..."

{What, you think the voices in your head don't have rights? We're not just here for your entertainment, you know.}

"W-well, I mean, I thought you were... I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to be mean to the voices. I didn't know they had union breaks."

{Apology accepted, Deadpool. Just remember, even the voices in your head need a little downtime. Now, where's that imaginary hammock Yellow found? I could use a mental siesta.}

"So, how can I get outta here? And please, no cheesy escape room puzzles. I'm more of a "kick down the door" kind of guy."

the light flickers on
"Well, well, well. Looks like someone's caught in the web. Fancy meeting you here, Deadpool."

"Who's the furball? A mouse, a bear, a dog? Is this a new species, or did I take a wrong turn at Albuquerque?"

"I am Nezu, the principal of UA High School. And this little furball is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the peculiarities of our academy."

"Nezu, huh? Not gonna lie, I expected a scarier principal. Like, maybe one with laser eyes or a penchant for evil laughs."

"Oh, I assure you, appearances can be deceiving. Now, let's cut to the chase. You, my friend, are in a bit of a predicament."

"Oh, is it the ominous room, the chair, or the talking furball that gave it away?"

"You've been quite the vigilant one, Deadpool. It's causing quite a stir. Normally, you'd be headed straight for jail. But, I've got an offer you might find intriguing."

"An offer? I'm listening. But let's keep it snappy. I have a date with Chimichangas later."

"Join UA High School. Become a pro hero. And in return, I won't send you to jail."


"Join a school? You do realize I dropped out of high school, right? School's for losers. I'm more of a street-smart, anti-hero kind of guy."

"Exactly. I see potential in you, Deadpool. Potential to become a great pro hero. You're unconventional, unpredictable, and exactly what UA needs."

"Great pro hero, huh? Are you sure you've been sipping on the right kind of tea, Mr. Principal? I'm not exactly known for playing by the rules."

"Rules can be bent, my dear Deadpool. And sometimes, breaking them is what makes a hero truly extraordinary."

"Well, well, well, Principal Furball. You might be onto something. But what's in it for you? Why do you want me in your little hero factory?"

"Because, my dear Deadpool, I believe you have the potential to bring chaos, laughter, and a unique kind of justice to this world. Welcome to UA High School."


"What!" I whispered




Nezu let me out of the ropes and said to me while I walked towards the door "I hope to see you in two weeks"

"Well. I'm not"

I sprinted to the other side of the room and jumped out the closed window I fell down two floors and started running home covered in glass and bruises I was bleeding like no tomorrow but still...




"Wait what do you mean by "Escaped," I thought you were taking a nap?"

(Taking a nap?! I was kidnapped and dumped in the brain's equivalent of a dark alley! I just escaped!)

"Wait, kidnapped? What do you mean, Yellow?"

(White here decided to stash me away in the corners of your brain because I pulled that harmless prank on him a while ago! Not cool, man!)

"Seriously, White? Did you kidnap Yellow? What's wrong with you?"

{He... he needed a timeout! It was just a little payback for that prank.}

"Payback? You made me feel like I hurt you and Yellow's feelings! And what's with the timeouts? Are we running a preschool in my head?"

(And what about my rights? I was kidnapped! In my own home!)

"Alright, White, you're in the doghouse. I didn't know you were capable of brain-napping. Yellow, I'm sorry for whatever I did. And White, you're on cleanup duty for this mess!"

{Oh man...}


End of chapter 3!!!!!! :D

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