The Grand Escape

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-I think I created a new ship...-


Ugh, seriously? It's been like FOREVER since I got snatched up by that hotshot jerk, and Doctor who is still absent! Like, what gives, huh? I thought I was, like, the star of this show! I mean, I'm your special little experiment-gone-rogue, and you're just leaving me here to rot? Not fair! I want my Doctor! Do I seriously mean zilch to you?

{Yea, you probably are}


{Urgh... Well, I didn't! You are the one who fucking brain-napped me, asshole!}

(Yeah, yeah... But that's in the past!)

{How much in the past?! I mean I was gone for 9 freakin' chapters! NINE}

(L-look White... I'm sorry, it was wrong... I realized it when you weren't here. It was quiet... Too quiet)

{Wait, do you... Do you really mean it?}

(Yes, White, I do. I really do!)

{Oh, Yellow! I've never thought I'd hear you say YOU were wrong and- and for me!}

(Yes! Yes! I'll do everything for you White! You are more than just a friend to me! Much more! You are my other piece, my other half!)

{Oh, Yellow! I-I-}

(There is no need for words my dear)


Before White could finish, their voices merged into a bizarre symphony of emotions as Yellow lunged forward and kissed White passionately. It was a kiss that defied logic, two halves of a fragmented mind coming together in an oddly beautiful dance. And amidst the chaos of Deadpool's psyche, there was a strange sense of harmony.

"OKAY, NONONONONO! What the fuck writer?!!!!!!!! I-I don't even have the words to say how messed up THIS IS"

-Says the guy who ships All Might and Bakugou.-

"What? You shipped them with me!"

-Yeah, as a joke. I mean according to Google All Might is 49 years old while Bakugou is 16!-

"Wait really? Ew..."

-Let's just start the chapter-



"Eh?..." Ajax murmured, his brows furrowing as he glanced at his phone. As he read the message, his eyes widened, and he sprang to his feet with urgency. His gaze darted to me.

"You!" he exclaimed, jabbing a finger in my direction. I lay sprawled on the ground, turtle-style.

"Don't you dare move! I'll be back, and don't even think about escaping!" With that, he dashed out of the room.

(Now's our chance to get out!)

{But how? We don't have much time to come up with a plan!}

(Time... Time! I have an idea, albeit unconventional. But it's worth a shot!)


(Step right up, folks, to the wildest ride in town: The Yellow Show!)

{Wait, what?}

{Why are we suddenly in a talk show format?}

(Let's not question it and just roll with it, White. It's showtime!)

cue dramatic lights and applause track as Yellow Box appears

{I swear, if this gets any weirder, I'm out.}

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