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In all of history you can see records of dragons, but they haven't always been explained in the way that they should. They were never fire breathing creatures the size of a home or building. They were never gold hungry or an entity of destruction. Instead, they walked the earth in human form, doing as they wished and when they wished. Doomed to constantly try to find themselves in the form of who they were. Immortal, insightful, and longing. They seek someone to control them, to take ownership. To tell them their purpose because they were cursed to never know. From here came the rise of their kingdoms, the rise of the most powerful sticking together to dominate the weak. From this came their leader.

The Dragon Queen was born from ice and fire. A brilliant, raging inferno of cold beauty. The moment she was brought into the world, she was destined to destroy it. Mother nature is what she grew up being called, her abilities being the kind to grow mountains in seconds, sprout trees from her fingertips, bloom flowers from her hair. She herself was no danger, her powers blessing and her looks entrancing those around her. Her hair and eyes were a deep wood brown. Such warmth and depth were within them, her skin a rivaling few shades lighter.

Finding a suitable match seemed impossible due to her brilliance, though she found love rather easily. She found it in her companion, a poison dragon who held the place as captain of the royal guard. He was strong and loyal, his eyes never leaving her. She was the center of his world, the beginning and end of all he wanted in his life. Dedication and determination kept him at the top of the ranks for decades as he threw himself between her and danger countless times.

Together they destroyed all that was known in the world. Burned and slaughtered it with an explosion that rivaled ten times the largest of volcanoes. From the fall of man's reign on the world came the rise of peace and growth of lost creatures. From the ashes of the past a new beginning was born and with time the world began to thrive once again. With evil and darkness vanquished, the dragons retreated. The Queen had no intention of remaining involved in the troubles and lives of the weaker beings. Because of this she kept her people away on an island deep within the Dress Ocean where they created their home on the continent of Idai. They were not to be seen again for thousands of years, not allowed to leave or travel outside of their Kingdom's boundaries.

While their world remained the same, those around them changed and grew. The Queen and her King gave birth to a child, a young princess who wielded the appearance of her father and the power of her mother. Though when the child reached the age of 5, it became clear that she was no ordinary dragon. She could sense the death of others, a heavy smell that could reach her from even a mile away. And when someone died in front of her she could see their soul and even reach out and touch it. Out of fear and concern, her parents locked her away within their castle.

Year by year passed and sickness started to spread through the dragon kingdom. Some started to blame the young princess, claiming that she was a necromancer, a curse that was plaguing the area. Soon her own father fell ill, but not in body- his sickness was in mind.

On the night of the Princess' arranged marriage, a rage took over her father and he attempted to kill her, failing then turning his frustrations on to his love. The Queen, refusing to harm him, did not fight back and her reign ended in one fatal night.

The young princess, only 10 years old, disappeared along with her childhood friend. Not to be seen again as the next 9 years passed. The King was dethroned for the murder of the Queen, and the next in line took his place. The Dragons continued on their path of solitude, remaining to themselves and staying free from the toils and growing conflicts of the outside world.

Their existence is still unknown to most and remembered by few living in other areas. They prefer to be alone; the new Dragon King prefers for them to remain unreal to the ignorant minds outside. If known by humans, or the other beings of the planet, in the wrong hands a dragon's power could be used for evil. Used for horrible acts of brutal violence and desolation. If used for good it could create an era of peace and tranquility as was done in the past, but it seems they have no want to be involved any further.

A dragon is a powerful ally, and a name is a powerful thing. For the only way to capture a dragon is to know its godly name. Whether young or old, it does not matter. They are a servant to anyone who shows them who they are or who they need to be. With this, only few know of their constitution and of their existence. And an even smaller amount knows of the missing princess and her name - Kalımıty.

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