Chapter 14: Decisions Being Made

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Kali and Finn walk side by side through the town, colors and the early noon sun blinding her in a warmth and happiness she can't help but let smother her. Passing people chatting about their day, their crops, and their plans for the evening. Merchants selling fish and goods as the familiar smell of bread wafts from the bakeries.

Kali smiles, watching all the brown heads and eyes around her, children running past with a kickball as their laughs sing around the air. Her long sleeve shirt hangs baggy on her, her orange tank top underneath tucked tightly into her pants. She turns to Finn, looking at him in his usual guard uniform. It must be nice to get to wear the same thing every day, not have to worry about how you look.

She cracks her next leisurely, her hat from Fae tipping off a little before she sturdies it. Fae has a preference for tipped hats, storing herbs and spells inside the inner parts to ward off bad luck or to keep a healing stache close by. Usually Kali would be bothered by it, but having something from the earth dragon close to her makes her feel more secure. More safe, like a warm hug and reassurance that Fae is always near.

"The area we're going to won't have much food around it," Finn pipes up, giving her a side look as he gestures towards some of the stalls around them. "So we should pick up some things to take with us. Just some breads and maybe fruits, so they can last longer. This hopefully won't be longer than a day or two."

Kali nods at him, but frowns a tiny bit. "Do you think that's why it's hunting humans?"

Finn tilts his head a little, giving her a questioning look, "what do you mean?"
"Well you said there's not much food in the area, do you think that's why it's attacking people? Maybe it's hungry?" Her heart swells a little thinking about it, her inner debate popping into her mind again. Is it wrong if it's just hungry?

"That could be right, yes. But there are many areas around that still provide a lot of food," Finn trails off, looking at the ground. "If it was really desperate to find food, it would migrate. It's actively choosing to eat people."

"I see," Kali looks down as well, taking a deep sigh as a voice catches her attention off to the side.

"Dragon eggs! Real Dragon eggs from the Elven Mountains!"

Her eyes dart to the human, a giant blue egg in his hands, being lifted up above his head. His stall is shabby, but in a basket on the table and next to the table are dozens and dozens of large, colorful eggs.

"Did he say dragon eggs?" Kali looks at Finn surprised, but he just laughs in response.

"What a nutter, dragons aren't real." He shakes his head and the seller tsks at him.

"Don't throw stones, sir. Why don't you come have a look? There is nothing more real than these." His voice is confident, and Kali can't help but stare intently at the eggs.

"Come on, let's check them out." She makes a move toward the stall, but Finn stays put.

"I'm not interested."

"Your woman appears to be. And what unique features she has, purple... how... peculiar." He looks Kali up and down, his eyes lingering on her hair as she shifts a little uneasily. Despite this being the common reaction from humans, she still isn't very fond of it.

"She doesn't belong to anyone." Finn rolls his eyes, turning to look at Kali earnestly, "if you do want to, you can look at them. We're in no rush." He smiles softly and she gives him a large one back.

She excitedly rushes towards the eggs on the ground, picking a red scaled one up in her hands. It feels cold to the touch, and smoother than scales would be. It's clearly fake, but...

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