Chapter 19: Witches and Demons

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"I'm just saying it would have been nice to hear about my mother from you and not some shifter in a cave," Kali pouts, arms wrapped around herself as she walks with Fae through the woods.

"I know, and I'm sorry for that. I just..." Fae looks down, her braids falling into her face as she sighs, eyes closing for a moment. "I just didn't know how to bring it up. I just thought it'd be too much to handle with everything else going on."

"Is there anything else I should know?" Kali bites her lip, her chest feelings like exploding. She's frustrated, but deep down she understands Fae's hesitance.

The older dragon shifts a little, stretching her arms behind her back as she looks up towards the sky. "Nothing that is important as of this moment. Also," she looks to Kali, "what were you saying about the dungeons?"

"Ah, yeah, the elf prince is being held down there. He says the king locked him up when he accused him of hiding the serial killer." Her purple eyes look around them, rows and rows of trees and bushes surrounding them. It feels like they're going deeper into the Ehz forest.

"Forget about that for now," Fae sighs simply, frowning at the young woman. "You have too many things to do before you can run off making promises like that. I mean, have you even tried to figure out your powers, yet?"

"Oh, come on, Fae! He's sitting in the dungeon getting beaten every day! I can't just leave him..."

"I'm not saying to leave him, I just mean you have so many things to do already. And you're avoiding my question, which just shows more that you haven't progressed at all. Have you even tried?" She looks at her annoyed.

"I've tried... but nothing happens. I don't even know what I'm supposed to be able to do. Other than the night I saved Dakki..." She looks down, heart shaped lips in another pout as the late fall sun pounds down on them.

"Your mother could control the earth, like me. Your father could create poisons and venoms. You can do that little trick with the smoke, right? You must have some sort of power like him." Fae ponders, looking off to the side, a house coming up in the distance.

"Yeah, but it's not like it's a deadly smoke, it's just like a cloud. I don't know, I'll keep trying... but I'm not giving up on Kellum." Kali clenches her fist. "I'm going to figure this out for him."

"You'll figure it out with time, I guess. You're still young, you don't even have your dragon, yet." Fae nods a little to herself, "just stay out of trouble."

"Like that's possible," Kali laughs a little as they approach the small cottage. It's a tall brick building, multiple floors and covered in climbing vines. It's more intricate than the homes around the castle, built well and strong to withstand time itself. An aura surrounds it that leaves Kali a bit uncomfortable. Someone strong lives here.

"Whose house is this?" She asks softly.

"Her name is Rala, she's the priestess before you. She's a bit eclectic, but she's brilliant." Fae smiles looking up at the home, walking towards the steps.

"Why did she leave the castle?"

"The King made her leave. Apparently, she saw something in one of her visions and he didn't like it." Fae shrugs, her hand wrapping around the door.

"She has visions?" Kali whispers and Fae just winks at her, both women walking into the front entrance.

The room isn't small, but it's packed and cluttered with herbs, spell books, ritual tools, and totems. Kali's eyes widen as she looks around, this is a mage home. The walls are a deep green, dried herbs dangling from the ceiling and crystals lining the bookshelves.

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