18+ Chapter 10: Duty or Pleasure?

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TW: Explicit and Detail Sex Scene


What have I gotten myself into... The pub is packed, people coming to and from the bar where Dakki sits with his three not-so-friendly companions. He's been buying drinks for the entire place all night, blowing through the secret allowance given to him by Altear to get through to the shady soldiers.

He leans on his hand, sighing as he watches the young barman struggling to grab multiple beer mugs into his hands. "Do you need some help?" He smiles softly at the younger man, receiving a smile in return.

"I appreciate that, but I got it. But I'll do another on the house for you," the brown haired man smiled widely and winked, causing Dakki to smile back. Some of these humans made him smile, the ones that were polite and nice for no reason other than to be.

"Don't waste your time doing such low things," Rhyder says behind him, scoffing at Dakki as the barman walks off to a nearby table. "Such a person working in a place like this isn't worth your aid."

It takes much of Dakki's self control to not sneer at the asshole group leader beside him, the person who shows a good example of the ugliness of humans. All three men who are keeping him company are completely drunk, James and Lukas even struggling to walk when they get themselves up off the stool they're slowly slumping down off of.

"I'll hand it to you, Red. You're more fun than I'd thought you'd be, buying all that for everyone. Girls have been looking at us all night," he has a sickening smile on his face as he pats Dakki on the back. "You're kind of useful to have around."

"What can I say, I'm the life of the party." Dakki forces a smile.

"You can come with us, hick, again if you buy me more drinks!" James slurs, leaning over Rhyder.

"I'm not won over with just drinks, I still want some real fun!" Lukas frowns, leaning heavily on the counter to hold himself up.

"That's true, you haven't done your full conditions. What do you say?" Rhyder grins, tilting his head.

"Yeah... What do I have to do?" Dakki bites the inner part of his cheek.

"See that group of women over there?" He gestures to four women in the corner of the rooms. Their brown hair all cut in different fashions, and long dresses seeming to stand out amongst the others in the pub. They look clean cut and like they shouldn't be here.


"If you can hook us up with her, and/or get with one of them... then you're in with us." Rhyder smiles wider.

"Why them? They look like normal women."

"Normal women, yeah right. That one in the yellow dress, the one with the long hair, is Mara. She is the daughter of one of the lords in the area. She's a proper slut that likes to hang around with her ladies, but she just likes to tease men." He sneers a little, "we've all been rejected by her."

"So I just need to get with her? What if she isn't interested?" Dakki bites on his cheek harder.

"Red, that slut wants to get dicked down. She's just too much of a bitch to go for anyone, we want to see someone be able to put her in her place." Lukas nods along with Rhyder's words.

"She's just a slut that likes to think she is better than everyone else." Lukas chimes in after.

"Women come to bars to get laid, but that prudish slut always acts like she is too good. James will go with you over there, just win her over and fuck her, charm her friends as well, maybe give them some drinks so we can play with them as well."

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