Chapter 25: Snowy Blur

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TW: Sexual feelings, minor sexual activity, seduction, assault.


The bar is loud and bustling, the sounds of glasses clinking and humans laughing heating the comforting feeling in Kali's gut. She watches Finn at the bar, smiling at the bartender as he grabs them two more pints.

She tilts her head a little, resting her chin on her palm as she leans against the table. It never crossed her mind to come to a place like this, other than the times that Dakki teased that she'd be great in a place like this for work.

The time with the general has been nice, both just chatting and getting to know each other better. Since they were on the mission together, she had started to get a good bond with him. A bond that had caught on fire and began burning her insides since the night before in the morgue. It's hard to deny he's attractive. And since he's become more gentle, more caring... it's hard to see him in a platonic way.

Looking him up and down as he approaches, her eyes linger on his lean, but muscular frame. Really admiring it. His long legs, his strong arms. The sharpness of his jawline and the way his cheeks dimple as he now smiles at her, his brown eyes shining as a drunken blush coats his tan cheeks. Really handsome.

"I got us more, but I think this should be the last for tonight, I already feel like a bad influence. You should have told me you've never drank." He grins, placing the jugs between them as he slides onto the hard oak bench.

"What? Come on, this is fun," She smiles, glazed eyes holding his. "It tasted good."

"I'm glad you like it, this bar brews all their own beers. I've been coming here since it opened and they've never changed the recipe," a glimmer of sadness tinges his eyes briefly before he shakes his head ever so slightly. "But it's a good place. I'm happy you enjoy it. I don't usually share it with people."

"You know," she leans closer, her body feeling light and weightless as she nearly stumbles in her seat. "I really thought you hated me when we first met. I never expected us to be friendly like this, I mean, hell, I even cut my hair to spite you, haha!" She laughs loudly, a volume higher than she really intended. "But now, I don't know, I'm happy with you."

Moving slightly, she grasps at her beer, hand shaking a little as she holds it up, looking at it intently. "Yeah, I really like you." Her tone is below a whisper, but he raises his eyebrows as she takes a long swig from the cup.

"That..." he blinks a few times, scrunching his eyebrows, "that was a lot to process. You cut your hair because of me?" He intentionally ignores the last comment, not sure if he had heard her wrong.

"Yeah!" she slams the pint down, brown liquid spilling from the sides as it clunks hard on the table. "You pulled my hair, then Altear did, too. I was so mad, I was like... fuck it, try to pull on me now. Try to grab me if you can." She waves a finger at him, "and I'm not meaning in the naughty way, bad bad."

He smiles wide, resting his own chin on his hand as he looks at her with a slighted glance, "I think you've had too much to drink."

"No! I'm ok, I feel really great!" She grins back at him, niggling her finger more. "And you didn't say anything about the other thing."

"What other thing?" he leans closer, her eyes trailing his lips with a not-so-conspicuous gaze.

She pouts and crosses her arms, swaying back and forth a little, "I said I liked you and you ignored it."

"I think that's the beer talking," he chuckles and she frowns more.

"No, it's not! You make my heart beat really fast, and I get nervous around you when we're alone." She looks away, moving her hands to balance herself better against the hardwood table. "And not in the like, I don't like you- nervous way. But the- you make me feel like I have bugs inside my stomach way."

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