Chapter 1: The Princess by the Lake

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"Come on, Dakki!" Kali's voice is a breathy shriek as her boot hits a log, stumbling, barely catching her grounding. Over and under branches she sprints, knowing her companion, and her pursuers, aren't too far behind. Just a little farther, just a little past the messy brush of the trees. Then they'll be in the meadow.

"I'm going as fast as I can, plum!" He shouts to her, a harsh tone with an edge of playfulness to it. His crimson hair bounces on his head as he leaps over all the same hurdles as her, his six-foot two stature making it look even more effortless.

This isn't the first time the pair has been chased through these woods, time after time again they've found themselves running through this same path. Looking hard at the scenery in front of them, Kali grins when she sees the familiar clearing, the one with an edge to the left that leads down deep into the swamp.

"Bingo... Dakki, oraya bak!" She speaks in their native language to her companion, causing a frown on his freckled face. He nods quickly, eyes following her insinuation, following up behind her then continuing on as she stops in her tracks- turning to face the men who are now slowing with hesitance.

The eldest of the three glares at her with green eyes, pale blue hair tied back into a tight ponytail that shows off his receding hairline. He sneers at her as he looks her up and down, irritation etched onto his features. The harder he examines her, the longer his eyes linger over her features. Her long purple hair tied into a loose braid, violet eyes, and plump lips. She stands as tall as himself, around five-foot ten, and with an average but lean build.

The thoughts running through his head are the same now forming in the minds of his fellow scum, what a prize this is. What a prize she can be for them. She isn't necessarily the peak of female beauty, but she is indeed rare, something that could catch an even greater price.

"Lookie here, miss," one of the younger men says, stepping in front of his now scheming lead, "if you give us back the guds then we'll let you live. You can just come with us to the captain..."

Kali tilts her head, smiling even wider, holding up the rose talisman in her left hand. The pink stone, embellished with additional jewels, dangles down on its gold chain; swinging back and forth like a pendulum. All three men eye the item wrapped around her wrist, impatience boiling more in the blood of the patron. "Is this what you are wanting so badly" she giggles, "now, what could you old trolls possibly hope to do with this?"

She steps towards them, all but the lead stepping back, "a necklace that can cause anyone to fall influenced by the wearer. Make them do whatever it is you wish. What would you do if I gave this to you, if I went with you?"

"Why don't you find out, love," the younger one says, grinning at her as he steps towards her again, causing her to lift up her right hand and click her tongue.

"Hap," a dark purple pellet of smoke forms over her fingers. The men tense, all colour leaving their faces. The man who has remained silent grabs the arms of the other two, his voice low and cautious.

"She... she's a witch!"

"I mean, no... well, actually, yeah sure," she shrugs, the smoke solidifying then falling into her palm. "I have things to do, so our little chat must come to an end." She does a quick salute to them, right as she hears Dakki call out for her in the distance- his voice firm and impatient.

"Tell the captain hello" she winks, throwing the pill to the ground. It explodes into a thick, dark purple fog that quickly masks everything around them. The men scream and yell, frightened by the sudden blindness as she flings herself down the cliff into the swamp below. Landing on the tallest tree, she slowly descends down, branch to branch, until her feet hit solid ground.

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