Chapter 14

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The grand hall of DunBroch Castle was ablaze with the golden glow of hundreds of candles and torches, casting a warm, inviting light over the polished stone floors. In the center of the hall, a long table was adorned with delicacies from each of the four clans in DunBroch, the tantalizing aromas filling the air. Elinor, the queen of DunBroch, stood at the head of the table, her radiant smile commanding the room's attention.

"Dear lords and ladies, it is with great pleasure that I announce the royal ball to celebrate the unity of our clans!" she announced, her voice carrying throughout the hall. "I welcome you all to this joyous occasion, and I hope our bones grow stronger with each passing day."

The clans had gathered to celebrate the harmony between their lands, marked by a splendid royal ball. All around the hall, members of each clan conversed and revealed in the festivities, their tartans and brooches representing their respective clans.

Y/N, dressed in a finely tailored outfit for the occasion, was eager for the evening's events. The young man from beyond the kingdom's borders had quickly become part of DunBroch's community, and he looked forward to seeing familiar faces and making new friends. Among them, Young MacGuffin was someone he was particularly excited to meet again, not just because of his kind nature but also for his distinct Doric dialect that Y/N found charming.

As the guests from the other clans began to arrive, Y/N stood near the entrance, shaking hands and offering warm greetings to the lords' sons. Young MacGuffin was the first to approach, his broad smile expressing his delight. The greeting, however, was unexpectedly exuberant, as Young MacGuffin nearly crushed Y/N in a tight bear hug.

"Ah it s guid tae see ye again Y/N!" Young MacGuffin exclaimed, his Doric accent adding an endearing charm to his words.

Y/N chuckled, wincing slightly. "It's great to see you too, Young MacGuffin. But mind the ribs next time."

The room was filled with laughter, and soon Wee Dingwall and Young Macintosh joined the playful commotion. Young Macintosh grinned and clapped Y/N on the back, saying, "Och, Y/N, we've been lookin' forward tae this evenin'."

Wee Dingwall nodded, his enthusiasm evident. "Aye, Y/N, we've heard yer the one who's been helpin' Merida with her archery. Impressive stuff, that."

Y/N's face flushed with modesty as he accepted the compliments. "Well, I'm happy to lend a hand where I can."

The evening was in full swing as Elinor and Merida made their grand entrance, the queen's elegance and the princess's beauty captivating all who beheld them. Y/N's breath caught in his throat as he saw Merida descend the grand staircase, her vibrant hair cascading like a waterfall over her royal gown. She looked resplendent, and he couldn't help but be in awe of her.

Y/N turned to the lords' sons with a slight grin. "Can you believe how stunning Merida looks tonight?"

Wee Dingwall responded with a hearty laugh. "Ach, lad, Merida's a rare gem, she is. But nothin' can dim yer shine tonight. Yer lookin' quite the part for the ball!"

Young Macintosh chimed in, clapping Y/N on the back. "Indeed, Y/N. We've got tae get ourselves one o' them fancy outfits, just like yers!"

The lords' sons exchanged knowing looks and shared a laugh. They were well aware of Y/N's growing affection for the fiery princess. Young MacGuffin, in particular, noticed Y/N's gaze lingering on Merida.

"ye ken Y/N ye ve gotten tae speir her tae dance" he advised, nudging his new friend playfully.

Y/N's expression became a mixture of nervousness and awe. He remembered that he had the triplets help the first time he danced with Merid, but they were hiding under the floorboards with most likely a decades supply of tarts. "I'd love to, but... she looks so pretty. I'm afraid I'll stumble over my own feet."

Young MacGuffin grinned, his heartwarming Doric accent flowing like a soothing melody. "nae need tae worry bitcallant jis speir her Merida s nae een tae care aboot funcy dances an sic."

Encouraged by his friend's words, Y/N took a deep breath and made his way to Merida. She was standing near the grand fireplace, her emerald eyes scanning the room as she swayed to the music, a wistful expression on her face.

Taking a moment to collect himself, Y/N finally approached her, his heart pounding. "Merida, would you care to dance with me?"

The princess's face lit up with a brilliant smile as she looked into Y/N's eyes. "Of course, Y/N. I'd love to."

As they took to the dance floor, their movements were filled with an unspoken connection that transcended words. Merida's grace met Y/N's own unique charm, and together they danced the night away, laughter and smiles painting a beautiful picture for all to see.

With a touch of courage and encouragement from Young MacGuffin, Y/N found himself growing closer to Merida, not just as a friend, but as someone he couldn't help but admire more each day. Their steps were in perfect harmony, and their laughter echoed through the grand hall, forming a bond that went beyond tradition and expectations.

Wee Dingwall and Young Macintosh, having made their way to the refreshment table, observed Y/N and Merida's graceful dance. Wee Dingwall turned to Young Macintosh, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Yer thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" he asked, a sly grin on his face.

Young Macintosh nodded. "Aye, Wee Dingwall. It's time for a wee bit of matchmakin'."

With that, they set their plan into motion. Young Macintosh approached Y/N and Merida with a sly grin, while Wee Dingwall made his way to the musicians, discreetly passing them a note with a request for a specific song.

Young Macintosh gave Y/N a friendly nudge and said, "Y/N, d'ye ken what would make this night even more special?"

Y/N's curiosity piqued as he glanced at Young Macintosh. "What's that?"

With a dramatic pause, Young Macintosh announced, "A traditional DunBroch slow dance! Would ye dae us the honor, lassie?"

Merida's eyes widened in surprise, and Y/N looked at her, his heart racing. "I've never danced a traditional DunBroch dance before."

Merida, who couldn't resist the idea, grinned. "Well, then, I suppose we'll have to show him how it's done."

The musicians began playing the tune Wee Dingwall had requested, and the four of them moved to the center of the dance floor. Y/N and Merida looked into each other's eyes, their hearts in sync with the music. Wee Dingwall and Young Macintosh, in the meantime, had a gleeful look of success on their faces.

With graceful steps and heartwarming smiles, Y/N and Merida swayed to the slow, rhythmic dance, their connection deepening with every passing moment. Their hands found each other, and as they danced, it felt as though the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them.

As the song came to an end, Y/N and Merida continued to hold each other, savoring the moment.

With the traditional dance concluded, Y/N and Merida couldn't help but steal a moment to catch their breath. Wee Dingwall and Young Macintosh, who had retreated to the sidelines, shared a satisfied look.

Wee Dingwall raised an eyebrow at Young Macintosh. "D'ye think we did a good job?"

Young Macintosh chuckled, watching the couple. "Aye, Wee Dingwall. I think we've done right by them."

As the evening continued, Y/N and Merida found themselves in a quiet corner of the hall, away from the bustling crowd. The atmosphere was filled with the soft hum of laughter and the music, and a feeling of contentment settled over them.

Y/N leaned in, a smile playing on his lips. "Merida, this has been an incredible night."

Merida's eyes sparkled with joy as she responded, "It truly has, Y/N. I couldn't have asked for a better evening."

The two of them fell into a comfortable silence, content in each other's presence. In that quiet moment, surrounded by the magic of the royal ball, they shared an unspoken connection that spoke of an affection deeper than words.

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