Chapter 15

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The throne room of DunBroch Castle was filled with anticipation and excitement as the kingdom's inhabitants had gathered to witness an extraordinary event. King Fergus, a large man with a booming voice, stood at the front of the room, his mighty presence commanding the attention of all who had come to witness this momentous occasion.

At the center of the room, Y/N knelt before the king, his heart filled with a mix of pride and humility. Today marked a significant moment in his life—a moment he had never anticipated.

"Y/N," King Fergus boomed, his voice echoing throughout the grand chamber, "you have shown great courage and valor during your time in DunBroch. You have proven yourself time and again as a steadfast and loyal companion to my daughter, Merida. It is with great honor and pride that I, King Fergus of DunBroch, do hereby dub thee, Sir Y/N, a knight of our kingdom."

King Fergus, his enormous figure bedecked in kingly regalia, stepped forward and laid his sword gently on Y/N's shoulders, a symbolic gesture that filled the room with a solemn hush. The weight of the moment pressed down on Y/N, making it hard for him to breathe. He had faced danger, fought fierce battles, and saved the kingdom from countless threats. Yet, this simple ceremony, filled with the eyes of the entire court, was the most daunting of all.

Merida stood to the side, beaming with pride as she watched Y/N become a knight. Elinor, who had had her own transformation as a bear and back, couldn't help but have a bittersweet smile on her face. The triplets looked on with fascination, whispering amongst themselves.

Just as King Fergus was about to complete the knighting ceremony, the heavy doors to the throne room burst open, and a breathless messenger stumbled inside.

"Your Majesties, a ship with an unknown flag approaches our shores!" the messenger announced, his voice trembling with urgency.

King Fergus and his family exchanged worried glances. Elinor's brows furrowed in concern.

"Unknown?" Fergus asked, his hand firmly gripping the hilt of his sword. "Who could it be?"

The messenger, still catching his breath, spoke hastily, "The flag bears the image of a Flying Boar, sire. They've entered our waters, and they're heading for the port as we speak."

The room fell into a tense silence. The MacKenzie Clan was known for its fiery reputation and its ability to rally its clansmen. They were not to be taken lightly.

Without wasting any time, Elinor, Merida, Fergus, and Y/N swiftly made their way to the balcony that overlooked the port. As they peered down, they saw a massive ship, its sails proudly bearing the emblem of the Flying Boar.

"That's the MacKenzie flag, alright," Fergus muttered under his breath.

As the ship came into port, a man with a vibrant expression leaped onto the dock. He wore the MacKenzie colors—a bold and vibrant plaid kilt with leather armor—and carried an imposing sword at his side.

The man strode forward with confidence, his piercing eyes locked onto the royal family and Y/N, who was dressed in the armor of a knight for the first time.

"Lords and ladies of DunBroch," the man called out in a deep, commanding voice, "I am Conner MacKenzie, leader of the MacKenzie Clan."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the gathered crowd. They had heard tales of the MacKenzie Clan, known for their prowess in battle, but few had ever seen them in person.

Conner MacKenzie continued, his voice resonating with the confidence of a warrior, "I've come to DunBroch to claim what is rightfully mine!"

Merida stepped forward, her eyes flashing with a fierce anger, "What nonsense is this? What do you claim to be yours?"

Conner MacKenzie, a tall and broad-shouldered man with an air of arrogance, fixed his gaze upon Merida. He spoke with a confident smirk, "I claim your hand in marriage, Princess Merida. Our clans shall unite, and we shall rule these lands together."

Merida's eyes blazed with anger, and she retorted, "I never agreed to such an arrangement, and I certainly won't be forced into it!"

Conner MacKenzie laughed heartily, his deep voice booming. "You forget, princess, we MacKenzies are a proud and honorable clan. We don't need your agreement. My swordsmanship has been unmatched throughout the Highlands, and it will remain so."

As the tension in the courtyard thickened, Y/N noticed a malicious glint in Conner's eyes. It became clear to him that Conner had no intention of seeking Merida's hand through peaceful means.

Y/N's jaw tightened as Conner continued to speak, "However, if anyone among the MacIntosh, MacGuffin, or Dingwall clans believes they are worthy of challenging me for Princess Merida's hand, then do so now. If you dare!"

Conner's words sent a shiver down the spines of the other lords' sons present at the gathering. The challenge in his voice left no room for compromise. The MacKenzies were renowned for their combat skills, and this was not a challenge to be taken lightly.

Y/N's anger flared, his temper ignited by Conner's arrogance. He had fought alongside Merida countless times, and he would not stand by while her freedom was threatened.

Y/N rose from his place and stepped forward to confront Conner MacKenzie. The court gasped in surprise, their murmurs spreading like wildfire.

Conner MacKenzie's smile widened, his eyes dancing with amusement as he assessed Y/N. "Ah, who do we have here? The princess's little boyfriend?"

Y/N's nostrils flared, and his fists clenched. He had trained and fought hard to earn his place as a knight, and he wouldn't tolerate Conner's mocking.

Conner laughed mockingly and continued, "Look at you, dressed up like a knight. Have you ever even seen real combat, lad?"

Y/N's temper flared, and he lunged at Conner without warning, his fist connecting with Conner's jaw. The courtyard erupted in shocked gasps and cheers as the two men grappled with each other, fists flying.

King Fergus, Merida, and Elinor watched the brawl unfold with mixed emotions. Fergus was on the verge of laughing with delight, while Merida held her breath, her eyes locked onto Y/N, who was not backing down.

"Get 'em! Get 'em! That's the way to—" Fergus shouted before catching Elinor's disapproving glance.

"Oh alright" said Fergus, standing up and pulling the two apart.

Merida stepped forward, her face flushed with anger, and declared, "I choose swordsmanship as my challenge!"

Conner MacKenzie's eyes darkened with irritation. "Very well, princess. I shall return in a week for your challenge."

He turned and left the courtyard, the arrogant pig, the MacKenzie warriors following closely behind. The tension in the courtyard slowly dissipated, and the gathered clansmen dispersed.

Y/N was still breathing heavily, his temper not yet fully calmed. As he looked back at Merida, he saw her eyes filled with gratitude and admiration for his bravery.

The days that followed were filled with a mix of anxiety and anticipation. A sword fight against Conner MacKenzie loomed on the horizon.

As the royal family and Y/N returned to the castle, the air was charged with an air of uncertainty..

In the following week, the castle was abuzz with preparations for the impending challenge. Y/N, with the guidance of King Fergus, engaged in rigorous training to hone his swordsmanship skills. His every movement was marked by a mixture of grace and precision, and sweat poured down his brow as he practiced tirelessly.

In the evenings, Y/N often found himself in deep conversation with Merida, strategizing and exchanging words of encouragement. It was in these moments that their bond grew stronger, anchored by their shared passion to overcome the looming threat.

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