Chapter 18

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Authors notice: Hi everybody. I just want to thank you all for reading this story and getting me 5# in Merida stories. With any luck,  this chapter will get my first  1000 readers. I hope that you enjoy this chapter. This is gonna be a fun one. 

The moon hung in the night sky, casting an otherworldly glow over the darkened forest as Y/N sprinted through the dense foliage. His breath came in ragged gasps, fueled by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. The relentless pursuit of Sgàl'Bàs echoed behind him, a symphony of thunderous roars and the crashing of trees.

The terrain became uneven beneath Y/N's feet, and as he navigated the treacherous landscape, a chilling realization settled in—he was nearing the edge of a cliff. The moonlight revealed the vast chasm stretching before him, an ominous reminder of the perilous situation he faced.

Without hesitation, Y/N assessed his surroundings, seeking any advantage he could. A towering tree, its branches dangling over the cliff's edge, caught his eye. He started to climb, his hands gripping the rough bark as he ascended towards the moonlit

From the heart of the forest, the echoes of the pursuit reached the ears of those who sought to protect DunBroch. King Fergus, with his mighty sword in hand, led a group of brave men through the shadowed woods.

As Fergus and his men closed in on the source of the commotion, the bear which was not making Its way towards the tree. Fergus, unphased by the supernatural foe, raised his sword high.

"For DunBroch!" Fergus bellowed, rallying his men for the impending clash. The moonlight glinted off their weapons as they prepared to face the beast that threatened their kingdom.

The ensuing battle was fierce, a struggle between mortal strength and the otherworldly power of Sgàl'Bàs. The bear, fueled by an ancient malevolence, swatted aside Fergus's men with ease. Fergus himself, a force to be reckoned with, clashed swords with the demonic creature, each blow echoing through the forest.

Yet, the disparity in power was evident. Sgàl'Bàs, a creature born of the supernatural, proved impervious to the efforts of mortal men. With a mighty swipe, Fergus's sword was sent flying, leaving him vulnerable to the creature's wrath.

In a final act of defiance, Fergus, driven by the love for his family and kingdom, lunged at Sgàl'Bàs. His fist connected with the creature's snarling face, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Highland king. But the victory was short-lived, as Sgàl'Bàs, fueled by rage, tossed Fergus aside like a mere plaything.

The king landed with a thud, a pain in his eyes. He urged his men to retreat, knowing that their efforts were futile against the relentless force of Sgàl'Bàs. The bear, unchallenged, turned its attention towards Y/N.

Meanwhile, Y/N, having reached the precarious safety of the overhanging tree, observed the battle below. The moonlight painted the scene in shades of silver and shadows, revealing the fateful clash between Fergus's men and the demonic bear.

As Sgàl'Bàs approached the tree, its massive form casting an eerie shadow over the moonlit cliff, Y/N knew he had to act quickly. He climbed higher, seeking refuge in the branches, the moonlight filtering through the leaves above.

The demonic bear, unaffected by the retreat of Fergus's men, started its ascent up the tree. Y/N, now perched on a relatively secure branch, observed Sgàl'Bàs's relentless approach with the smell of impending doom.

The moon hung low in the night sky as Merida, her eyes scanning the surroundings, guided Angus through the dense forest. The echoes of the ongoing struggle reached her ears, urging her to press forward. Her heart raced, a mix of fear for Y/N and courage to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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