Chapter 19

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Authors note: We have reached it my friends. It took a lot of hard work, but we made it two 100 readers. I want to thank all of those reading wherever you are in the world. We have reached such a wide demographic. Even if this story has no comments at all, I am so happy that this many of you have taken an interest.

 I also want all of you to know that I did not right this for credit or fame(although number 5 in #Merida stories is impressive. I wrote this story because it is hard to find "Merida x Male Reader" stories with more than a couple of a chapters. 

I first discovered x reader fanfic when I was going through a rejection and it really helped me out. I hope this does same for you if you are also going through a rough time. 

Anyway, I will no longer waste your time. Enjoy chapter 19.

Major Timeskip

Four years had woven their threads through the fabric of DunBroch, bringing both healing and transformation. The scars of the past lingered, etched into the kingdom's history, yet life had found its rhythm once more. In the heart of the castle, where stone met sky, Y/N, now with a gleaming prosthetic metal leg, and Merida prepared for a night that transcended the boundaries of time.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the highland sky, Y/N adjusted the kilt that adorned his frame. The prosthetic leg, a testament to resilience, gleamed in the fading sunlight. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror, the journey of the past two years etched into his features. The strength that had propelled him into the chasm with Sgàl'Bàs now radiated from every step.

Merida, adorned in a gown that mirrored the colors of the setting sun, approached him with a mischievous smile. The soft rustle of her dress echoed through the room, a prelude to the night's adventure.

"Well, what do ye think?" she teased, twirling in a whirl of fabric.

Y/N's eyes sparkled with admiration. "Ye look stunning, Merida. A vision that could rival the Highland sunset."

Merida chuckled, her cheeks tinged with a subtle blush. "Smooth talker, aren't ye? But ye don't scrub up too bad yerself." She playfully tugged at the lapel of Y/N's jacket.

As they descended the grand staircase, the castle's corridors echoed with the lively chatter of the kingdom's inhabitants. The scent of anticipation lingered in the air as the couple stepped into the cool evening.

The courtyard, bathed in the soft glow of lanterns, came alive with the bustle of activity. The castle staff had spared no effort in creating an enchanting setting for the night. Tables adorned with flowers and candles stood ready for the feast that would follow, and musicians tuned their instruments in preparation for the melodies that would serenade the kingdom.

Y/N offered his arm to Merida, and together they ventured into the heart of the celebration. The kingdom, draped in the warm embrace of night, greeted them with cheers and applause. The resilience displayed in the face of Sgàl'Bàs had become a beacon of hope, and the night's festivities were a celebration of life's triumphs.

Amidst the laughter and music, Y/N and Merida found a secluded spot beneath the towering walls of DunBroch Castle. The moon, a silver crescent in the velvet sky, cast its gentle light upon the couple. Merida, her eyes reflecting the moonlit glow, looked at Y/N with a soft smile.

"Ye remember that night, don't ye?" she said, her voice a whispered reminder of the trials they had faced together.

"Aye," Y/N replied, his gaze fixed on the moon. "How could I forget? It's the night that changed everything."

Merida nodded, the moonlight tracing the lines of her features. "Sometimes I still cannae believe we made it through. But here we are, two years later."

Y/N's fingers brushed against the cool metal of his prosthetic leg. "Aye, and every step is a reminder. A reminder of what we faced and what we gained."

They stood in a comfortable silence, a shared understanding passing between them. The moon, an unwavering witness to their journey, bathed them in its silvery glow.

As the night unfolded, the couple delved into the festivities. The feast was a symphony of flavors, a chorus of laughter and merriment echoing through the castle walls. Y/N and Merida, surrounded by friends and well-wishers, reveled in the warmth of companionship.

As the evening wore on, the musicians shifted the tempo, and couples gathered on the improvised dance floor. Y/N, casting a glance at Merida, extended his hand. "Care for a dance, my lady?"

Merida's eyes sparkled with delight as she placed her hand in his. The dance floor became a haven for their shared rhythm, the world melting away as they twirled and swayed to the music. The kingdom watched, entranced, as the couple moved with an effortless grace.

The night progressed, a tapestry woven with shared laughter, shared glances, and shared memories. Y/N, leaning against the castle's stone walls, observed the festivities with a contented smile. The metal leg, once a symbol of sacrifice, had become a testament to the resilience that had defined their journey.

As the moon reached its zenith, casting an ethereal glow over the kingdom, Merida took Y/N's hand. "Come with me," she whispered, her eyes holding a promise of something more. "There is something I want to show you"

Y/N eyes widened. "No, not like that" said Meirda

They navigated the familiar corridors of the castle, ascending staircases that led to the quieter chambers above. Merida's hand, warm in Y/N's grasp, guided him with purpose. The castle walls, witnesses to the kingdom's history, embraced the couple as they reached a door adorned with Celtic patterns.

Merida opened the door, revealing a room bathed in the soft glow of candlelight. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows on the walls, creating an intimate sanctuary within the castle's embrace. The air was infused with the scent of heather, a fragrance that lingered in the Highland breeze.

As Y/N stepped into the room, his eyes caught sight of a tapestry hanging on the wall—a depiction of the moonlit cliff, the tree, and the chasm. A silent tribute to the night that had changed their destinies.

Merida closed the door behind them, her eyes locking onto Y/N's. "Do ye remember what happened next?"

Just above the chasm was a tree that had Y/N and Merida in a tree. Y/N sword in one arm and Merida in the other. Y/N leg was in the bear's mouth, but you could tell who the clear victor was.

"I love it Merida" said Y/N, " and I truly love you"

Y/N kissed her, but when they parted MErida noticed something around her neck.

"What's this?" said Merida looking at the trinket. It was a necklace of a princess

"It is a wood necklace I got from the witch. Push down on the head.

Merida pushed the head down and the princess changed into an archer.

"It is my way of saying I love every part of you" he said "if you don't like it I-"

Merida cut him off with a kiss that was so full of passion that they tumbled to the floor.

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