Chapter 20

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The air within DunBroch Castle carried the whispers of a thousand tales—of triumphs, losses, and the enduring spirit of a kingdom that stood resilient against the currents of time. In one of the castle's chambers, adorned with the symbols of the MacGuffin clan, Y/N sought a private moment with the one who had become a father in every sense but blood.

King Fergus, a towering figure with the heart of a lion, sat in a chair carved with intricate patterns. The flickering light of the hearth painted a warm glow on his weathered face. Y/N, standing with a mix of gratitude and apprehension, cleared his throat.

"King Fergus," Y/N began, "there's something I've been meaning to say."

Fergus, his eyes reflecting the fire's dance, looked at Y/N with a knowing gaze. "Ye've been a part of this family for years now, lad. No need for formalities. Call me Fergus."

Y/N nodded, his heart pounding with the weight of unspoken words. "Fergus, I wanted to thank you—for everything. These past years, ye've been a father to me in ways I never thought possible. The guidance, the laughter, and the lessons—ye've given me more than I could have ever asked for."

Fergus, a gruff exterior concealing a heart touched by sincerity, felt a lump form in his throat. He waved off the sentimentality, attempting to maintain a facade of stoicism. "Ah, none of that sentimental talk, lad. We've been through thick and thin together."

Y/N, summoning courage, pressed on. "Ye see, Fergus, there's something else on my mind. Something that's been gnawing at me for a while now."

Fergus, now genuinely curious, leaned forward. "Out with it, Y/N. No secrets between us."

Taking a deep breath, Y/N met Fergus's gaze. "I've come to ask for your blessing."

Fergus arched an eyebrow. "Blessing? For what, lad?"

Y/N swallowed hard, the words weighing on his tongue. "For your daughter's hand in marriage."

Silence settled in the room, broken only by the crackling of the hearth. Fergus's eyes, usually stern and unyielding, softened with an emotion that caught Y/N off guard. The king, a grizzled warrior who had faced challenges of all kinds, felt a surge of paternal pride.

Y/N continued, "Merida has brought joy and love into my life in ways I never imagined. She's fierce, independent, and has a heart as boundless as the Highlands themselves. I love her, Fergus, and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my days with her."

Fergus, a man who recognized true love, wiped a subtle tear from the corner of his eye. "Y/N, ye've proven yerself time and again. Ye've stood by Merida through thick and thin. I couldnae think of a better man for my lass."

A surge of relief flooded through Y/N. The weight of unspoken worries lifted as Fergus offered a genuine smile. "Thank you, Fergus. I won't let ye down. I promise to love and protect her for the rest of my days."

Fergus clapped Y/N on the shoulder. "I believe ye, lad. Now, let's get this proposal in motion!"

As preparations for the day's events unfolded within the castle, Elinor, the wise queen and the orchestrator of the unfolding events, sought out her daughter. Merida, unaware of the clandestine preparations taking place, found herself ensnared in her mother's gentle manipulation.

"Merida, my dear," Elinor began, "I was thinking we could spend some quality time together today. Just you and me."

Merida, curious but unsuspecting, looked at her mother. "What's gotten into ye, Mum? Why the sudden desire for mother-daughter time?"

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