Chapter 17

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The darkened forest echoed with the rhythmic pounding of hooves as H/N, Y/N's loyal steed, galloped through the ancient trees. The urgency in Y/N's eyes mirrored the intensity of the situation. He knew he couldn't outrun Sgàl'Bàs forever. Desperation fueled his every action.

Finally, Y/N reached an open part of the forest, a clearing where moonlight streamed through the dense canopy overhead. He dismounted from H/N, his eyes scanning the surroundings for a solution, a strategy that might give him the upper hand against the monstrous bear.

It was then that a daring idea formed in Y/N's mind. He had seen performers at the Highland Games create fire circles as part of their acts, a spectacle that fascinated the crowds. Could fire be the key to facing Sgàl'Bàs?

Y/N retrieved a flask of oil from his bag, pouring it in a circle around the clearing. The scent of the volatile liquid hung in the air as he meticulously formed a fiery barrier. A daring plan taking shape in his mind, he patted H/N gently on the flank. "Go, H/N, flee to safety."

H/N, sensing the gravity of the situation, hesitated for a moment, nuzzling against Y/N's hand before reluctantly galloping away into the shadows of the forest.

The ground trembled beneath Y/N's feet as the telltale signs of Sgàl'Bàs's approach grew louder. The demonic bear emerged from the shadows, its eyes reflecting the flames that flickered to life around the circle.

"You want to play, huh?" Y/N taunted the beast, a fierce glint in his eyes. As Sgàl'Bàs growled in response, Y/N dropped a match onto the oil-soaked ground, and a ring of fire erupted, forming a barrier between them.

"Then let the games begin," Y/N declared, his voice carrying the weight of both challenge and resolve.

Sgàl'Bàs, confronted by the flames, roared in frustration, pacing around the circumference of the fiery circle. Y/N, standing his ground, observed the creature's movements with a calculated focus.

The demonic bear charged, its massive form thundering toward Y/N. Reacting swiftly, Y/N dove out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the bear's assault. His agile movements marked a dance of survival within the fiery arena.

Y/N sprang back onto his feet, unsheathing his sword with a fluid motion. He charged at the bear, slashing with precision. But it seemed as if the blows were nothing more than mere scratches on Sgàl'Bàs's monstrous hide.

The demon bear retaliated, thrashing its head against Y/N's arm, sending the sword flying. Undeterred, Y/N refused to back down. "Come on! I'll take ya with me bare hands!"

The fight escalated as Y/N engaged Sgàl'Bàs in close combat, dodging and weaving around the bear's powerful strikes. In a daring move, Y/N punched the creature square in the face, momentarily stunning it. Seizing the opportunity, he retrieved his sword.

Sgàl'Bàs, infuriated by Y/N's defiance, stood tall on its hind legs. "Come on!" Y/N shouted, daring the creature to challenge him.

The bear charged once more, and Y/N, with unyielding will, leaped onto its back. Sgàl'Bàs, desperate to shake off its rider, rammed into trees, attempting to dislodge Y/N from its massive form.

Before Sgàl'Bàs could make another move, Y/N made a bold swipe with his sword, cutting deep into the bear's eye. The creature roared in agony, its rage intensified.

Y/N, sensing an opportunity, ran toward a large rock. As Sgàl'Bàs charged, he leaped out of the way, causing the bear to collide with the rock, which collapsed on top of it.

For a brief moment, it seemed as though Y/N had emerged victorious. The forest fell into an eerie silence as dust settled around the fallen rocks. Yet, the tranquility was shattered when Sgàl'Bàs burst from the rubble, more enraged and unstoppable than ever.

Y/N took off deeper into the forest, drawing Sgàl'Bàs away from the castle and Merida.

Meanwhile, back at DunBroch Castle, Merida was doing her best to contribute to the situation. King Fergus had instructed her to bring Elinor back to the safety of the castle. The urgency in his voice reflected the gravity of the unfolding events.

Elinor, understanding the peril they faced, willingly followed Merida towards the castle. However, as they reached the entrance, Elinor halted and turned to Merida. "Merida, my dear, I cannot allow you to put yourself in danger. You must wait here for your father."

Merida, feeling the weight of responsibility and the pull of her brave heart, insisted, "I can't just wait, Mum. Y/N needs me."

Elinor, recognizing her daughter's stubborness, took a deep breath. "You're right. But I need you to promise me that you will remain safe. Fergus will handle this, and we will await his return."

To ensure Merida's compliance, Elinor entrusted the key to the castle maid, who promptly locked Merida in her room. The triplets, always ready for mischief, decided to assist Merida by procuring the key.

A series of giggles and whispers filled the corridor as the triplets hatched a plan to liberate Merida. A few minutes later, a startled scream echoed through the castle, drawing the attention of its inhabitants. 

Merida, seizing the opportunity, called out to the triplets, "Quick, get the key!"

The triplets, now equipped with the key, darted towards Merida's room, their tiny legs moving as swiftly as their mischiefs attention spans. In no time, they unlocked the door, and Merida, grateful for their help, rushed out.

As they exited the castle, Merida glanced up at the night sky, her thoughts consumed by worry for Y/N. Riding Angus, they raced through the dimly lit forest, following the echoes of the ongoing battle.

"Please be okay, Y/N" she thought

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