Chapter 16

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Y/N stood at the edge of the arena, armored and equipped with his sword, the blade gleaming in the dappled sunlight. The courtyard of DunBroch Castle had been transformed into a battlefield, and the air was thick with anticipation. Y/N was about to face Conner MacKenzie in a duel that would determine the fate of his love, Merida.

King Fergus, the mighty ruler of DunBroch, stepped up beside Y/N, clapping a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Y/N, lad," he boomed, his voice filled with encouragement, "ye've trained hard for this day. Ye've got the heart of a warrior. Show 'em what a knight of DunBroch is made of!"

Y/N couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for Fergus's support. The cheers of the clansmen resonated in the background, a chorus of voices calling for his success. Elinor watched with a mix of anxiety and hope, her transformation as a bear a constant reminder of the extraordinary circumstances that had brought them to this moment.

Just as Y/N was about to step onto the field, he felt a sudden rush of movement. Merida, her auburn hair flowing behind her like a fiery banner, ran up to him. "Merida?" he uttered in surprise as she approached.

Merida blushed, her cheeks a rosy hue, and without any warning, she grabbed him by the shoulders, pulled him towards her,...

...and pressed her lips to his.

The kiss took Y/N by surprise, and the world seemed to stand still. His heart pounded in his chest as their lips met in a passionate and unexpected embrace.

When they finally pulled apart, their faces flushed with both excitement and embarrassment, Y/N, Elinor, and Fergus all wore stunned expressions. However, Hubert, Harris, and Hamish were busy sticking their tongues out in disgust.

Merida, her eyes sparkling, grinned impishly and said, "For luck."

A thousand thoughts raced through Y/N's mind, but he couldn't deny the warmth that blossomed within him. The kiss had been electrifying, a reminder of the deep connection they shared, and he would carry it with him into the battle.

As they separated, Y/N was ready to face Conner MacKenzie.

On the other side of the field, Conner MacKenzie arrived with his sword, a confident smirk on his face. He wielded the blade with practiced ease, his muscles tense and ready for the challenge ahead. He may have been arrogant, but his combat skills were nothing to be taken lightly.

Merida, her heart filled with trepidation, watched the duelists with a mixture of hope and fear. She knew that Y/N was fighting for his love and his honor. He would do everything in his power to win.

The cheer of the crowd began to swell, and the onlookers eagerly anticipated the upcoming battle.

The duel began with a clash of swords and an exchange of powerful blows. Y/N fought with the heart of a lion, his movements swift and fierce, each strike filled with unyielding purpose. Conner MacKenzie matched him with a fierce intensity, skillfully deflecting Y/N's attacks.

MacGuffin, Young Macintosh, and Wee Dingwall cheered for Y/N, their voices echoing across the courtyard. Fergus, standing beside Elinor, shouted encouragement, "Come on, Y/N! Show 'em what ye've got!"

As the fight raged on, the sun slowly began to dip toward the horizon. The duelists' strength was tested as they fought with equal ferocity, neither willing to back down.

At one point, Y/N managed to disarm Conner, sending his sword clattering to the ground. Victory seemed within reach, and the crowd's cheers grew louder. Merida, her eyes bright with hope, watched on with bated breath.

But Conner, refusing to concede, seized the opportunity. He turned his pendant and reflected the sunlight at Y/N's eyes. Y/N squinted in the glare, momentarily disoriented, and Conner used the momentary confusion to his advantage.

Swiftly, Conner retrieved a concealed knife, then lunged at Y/N with an unexpected attack. Y/N, blinded by the sun, could not react in time. The blade of the knife grazed Y/N's side before he could raise his sword to block the strike.

A chorus of gasps and cheers erupted from the crowd, as Y/N, his side stinging from the wound, staggered backward. He had been outmaneuvered, and Conner MacKenzie took full advantage of the deceitful tactic. This duel had been marked by honor and courage, but now it was tarnished by treachery. Conner ran to get his sword and the fight continued.

The sun sank lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the courtyard. It was the golden hour, the last moments of light before the world was plunged into twilight.

Y/N, his side aching but his spirit undaunted, was willing to fight on. Victory was still within reach, and he wouldn't allow this setback to deter him.

Y/N seemed to have gotten the advantage and was about to win.

But fate had a different plan.

With one final, treacherous move, Conner shouted to one of his men, hidden in the crowd, "Caber! Now!"

The man obeyed, hurling a massive caber, a large log, through the air. The heavy projectile soared toward Merida, who was watching the duel from a distance.

With his eyes trained on the flying caber, Y/N had no choice but to act. He sprang into motion, racing across the field, leaping in front of Merida to catch the massive log with his body.

The impact was jarring, and the weight of the caber nearly knocked him off his feet. But Y/N held firm, protecting Merida from harm.

The crowd gasped in shock, unable to comprehend Y/N's bravery. Conner MacKenzie, seeing his scheme foiled, gloated in his imagined victory, unaware of the cost of his deceit.

With the caber in hand, Y/N, still holding it high, was defenseless. His sword lay on the ground several feet away, out of his reach.

Conner MacKenzie stepped forward, the gleam of triumph in his eyes as he prepared to deliver the final blow. It was a cruel mockery of the honor that had been sought in this duel.

But then there was a growl.

As Conner raised his sword for the final strike, a deafening growl reverberated through the air. The ground shook, and the crowd watched in terror as a shadowy figure emerged from the nearby forest.

Sgàl'Bàs, the mythical creature of darkness, charged into the courtyard with a menacing roar. Its black fur bristled with malice, its teeth bared, and its eyes filled with an intent to kill.

Conner MacKenzie, who had been so sure of his victory moments before, was now seized by a paralyzing fear. He stumbled back, his sword slipping from his grasp as Sgàl'Bàs bore down on him.

The creature stopped just in front of Conner, its eyes locked onto him, and the lord of the MacKenzie clan screamed in sheer terror. He turned and fled, the fear in his heart driving him to seek safety, leaving his fallen sword behind.

Fergus, never one to back down from a fight, approached the monstrous creature with his sword raised high. He roared a challenge, determined to protect his family and his kingdom.

But Sgàl'Bàs, a beast of darkness and chaos, was a formidable opponent. With a single, powerful strike, it knocked Fergus aside, sending him sprawling.

Merida, her bow in hand, rushed to the defense of her father. But before she could lose an arrow, Sgàl'Bàs had her pinned to the ground, its massive paw holding her in place.

In the chaos and confusion, Y/N, who had dropped the caber and pulled Merida out from under the bear , scrambled to his feet. He turned to her and shouted, "Merida! Run and get your father!"

Merida, trapped beneath the creature's paw, could only watch in terror as Y/N faced the monstrous beast.

"What are you going to do?" she cried, her voice filled with worry.

Y/N's eyes met hers, a roaring fire burning within. He said, "I'll distract it for as long as I can. Now go!"

Merida, tears in her eyes, understood the gravity of the situation. With a final, desperate look at Y/N, she shouted "I love you!" and ran to Fergus. Sgàl'Bàs, its attention solely on Y/N, lunged forward, and the chase began. The creature, a relentless force of nature, pursued him into the depths of the forest.

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