17. Baecation Errands

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This is a bad idea.

Though, that's probably a conclusion I should've come to before I ended up standing at Divine's front door. Again. But damn, this was too good of an opportunity to miss.

So, I knocked.

The door swung open hastily and borderline impatiently, and it took a second for her to actually look up from her opened laptop to acknowledge my presence. Easily, a smile pulled at my lips at the sight of her.

Glasses. I'd never known she had them, but it was almost impossible to picture her face without that cute little addition now. Pretty, tight curls framed her face, and she'd pulled down her septum while she'd been home.

My gorgeous, gorgeous girl.

Or could be, if life was ever that simple.

"Eli? I wasn't expecting you until later." She said, confusion shining in her eyes and unconscious nervousness causing her to adjust her glasses.

"I know, but we're being recruited for our "best" duties." I grumbled, but I wasn't too put out.

This was one more opportunity to spend just a little more time with Divine, and it wasn't completely unexpected. I knew Justice would ask me to do something as his best man, I just figured it would be reserved for the bachelor party.

Which I would also be planning with Divine since Justice had also informed me they were doing a joint affair for it. The little shits known as our best friends weren't exactly subtle with their matchmaking attempts at this point.

Not that they were necessarily needed.

"Best duties?" Divine asked while stepping back to let me in her apartment.

It was equally as nice in the day time, and I wondered how often Divine was home early enough to enjoy it. Considering how everything was relatively undisturbed, it probably wasn't often, and that it's a small miracle that she was even home now.

Divine seemed like the messy type despite the control she kept over her life. It showed in the careless way her suit jacket laid across the back of her couch that didn't match the dress she was wearing today.

Different days, then. I concluded.

"As the best man and the maid of honor, we are temporary indentured servants it seems." I joke lightly, but it was hard hiding my nerves.

"Okay, which one of them put you up to this?" She rolled her eyes as a familiar, playful vibe settled between us.

It was a common default that was easy for us both, instead of acknowledging the turmoil lurking under the surface. Don't get me wrong, I liked that we could laugh and joke together. But even I was starting to notice that we were using it as filler or a bland substitute for the things we hungered for.

For the desires we were hiding.

"Justice." I shrugged before leaning across her countertop once she resumed her seat in one of the bar stools. "Apparently, he commissioned a piece for Hyacinthe that needs to be picked up and stored at my place."

My freshly decorated place that still didn't quite feel like home.

"And where do I come in?" She asked, her eyes flashing up from her computer again.

"You, my pretty, pretty partner in crime, have final approval."

I watched with rapt fascination as her face shifted as her mind rapidly sorted through her thoughts. Surprise was first, but a torn expression stole its place almost immediately.

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