OVA: One Helluva Morning

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Once his eyes opened, Kagari was seen. But for some reason, he wasn't laying in his bedroom, currently, he was standing in an unknown location which appeared to be some kind of battlefield.

Kagari: Where....Where am I...?

As Kagari looked around, the entire scene before him was littered with dead and mangled corpses and weapons impaled into the ground. As much as he tried to ignore it, he couldn't block the smell of death all around him.

Kagari: What is all of this? Am I dreaming, right now...?

Just as he was trying to figure out his current situation, Kagari then heard what could only be described as hooves hitting in the ground, and the sound appeared to be heading in his direction.

He turned around to see a large cloud of smoke, and a massive dark figure was coming straight for him.

Kagari: Something's coming!

He tried to summon his daggers, but then realized that he couldn't do it. So, as they figure was getting closer, he decided to jump off of the way. Unfortunately, his body could no longer move.

Kagari: What's happening, I can't move!

While he couldn't move, the dark figure finally came into view for a split second before everything around Kagari went black.

As he was floating in the endless darkness, Kagari swore that he heard a deep voice speaking to him before he began waking up.

"Your time is almost here..."

Kagari's Bedroom

Kagari then opened his eyes to see that he was now awake inside of his bedroom. He began to rub his eyes as he thought of that strange dream.

Kagari's Thoughts: What was that all about...? It felt so real than an actual dream...

He tried to get up but then felt weight on his body, keeping him pinned down.

Kagari: Hmm?

Kagari looked around him to see his girlfriend, Akeno Himejima sleeping next to him, his left arm wrapped around her and Xenovia Quarta, his childhood friend and second girlfriend was wrapped around his right arm. And finally, Kuroka was sleeping on top of his chest, holding onto him.

Kagari's Thoughts: Yeah, I don't think I'll be going anywhere for awhile

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Kagari's Thoughts: Yeah, I don't think I'll be going anywhere for awhile....

???: Good morning, hot stuff.~

Kagari looked down to see Kuroka was now awake and staring at him.

Kagari: Morning, Kuroka.

Kuroka: Sleeping with 3 hot girls in the same bed. You lucky stud.

Kagari: Hey, you're the one who loves to come in here when I'm sleeping.

Kuroka giggled and rubbed a finger on Kagari's chest.

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