OVA: The Pervy Sage

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Currently everyone is making their way through the abandoned building they fought Freed and Chul in, looking for a legendary Sage who's been going around stealing women's bra and panties , being accompanied by Irina, who is looking for the same target.

Kagari: ... -_- ... So let me get this straight...

Kagari: You wake me up when I was taking a nap, and call me out here to help look for a legendary Sage, who's just a damn panty thief...?

Lint : I know it may sound really stupid...

Kagari: ... -_- ... No, there's no "may", Lint. It does sound really stupid.

Lint: But the church has been after him for years .

Li: I don't think that's something they should let out to the public...

Kuroka: Shouldn't you have already caught him when he was already doing this.

Lint: Oh, I didn't know you were here, Kuroka.

Kuroka: I got bored, so thought I mind see what you're up too.

Asia: No one's home.

Suddenly, Gasper in his bat form flew up to them.

Gasper: There's a door sealed with magic farther in.

Everyone made their way to the door, seeing as it was never originally there before.

Akeno: This is it, then?

Akeno used her magic circle and released the seal on the door, opening it.

Akeno: Li and I will stay here and keep watch. There's no guarantee this man only controls one Demon.

Kuroka: I'll stay out here.

Rias: Good idea. Asia, Kiba, you both stay as well.

After leaving Akeno, Kuroka, Asia, Li, and Kiba, the others went downstairs into a large room where they saw an old man folding women's underwear and putting them in a box.

???: Another useless find. The writing is so cheap.

The man then picked up another pair of panties and was impressed.

The man then picked up another pair of panties and was impressed

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???: Now this is beautiful.

Rias: That's the Legendary Sage?

Irina: Yeah, without a doubt.

Issei: He stole all that underwear? He's got a major collection here.

Rias: I doubt it's mere "collection". He's trying to transmute something with that underwear as a catalyst.

Gasper: Alchemy?

The sage then looked at the bra, in awe.

???: Now this is fantastic!

Irina began blushing when she saw the bra.

Irina: That's...!!

Kagari: What's wrong, Irina?

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