Chapter 6 Welcome to the hell!

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As I stand at the altar, waiting for Grace to enter, my mind is filled with thoughts about the drastic change in my life

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As I stand at the altar, waiting for Grace to enter, my mind is filled with thoughts about the drastic change in my life. I never thought I would find myself in a situation like this, but now that I'm here, I'm ready to face it head-on.

Finally, the doors swing open, and she walks down the aisle with her father and a smug smile on her face. She thinks she's won already, but little does she know, this is just the beginning.

Anyone can be captivated by her stunning face, the enchanting sparkle in her eyes, and her captivating smile, oblivious to the darkness that hides within her. I also made the mistake of being enticed by her outward beauty.

"Well, Steve, I must say she is quite hot." As Mike whispers in my ear, I glare at him.

I pass a fake smile to Grace when she stands in front of me. Her presence already suffocates me.

The ceremony proceeds, and we exchange our vows. I speak the words, but deep down, I know they hold no real meaning.

As we exchange rings, I make a silent promise to myself. I will make her life hell for playing with me. This marriage may be a charade, but the battle that lies ahead is very real.

The officiant pronounces us husband and wife, and I force a smile, knowing that the battle has only just begun.

"You may kiss the bride." As the official says, I grab Grace by her waist, and after yanking her close to me, I capture her lips in a kiss filled with rage.

I bite her lips, clutching her waist, and a moan of pain escapes her lips, satisfying my soul. I can't believe someone's pain is bringing me peace. She has changed me in the worst way possible.

I break the kiss with a mischievous glint in my eyes. "A little pain to prepare you for the real pain which comes ahead, Mrs Grace Grey." As I whisper, a sinister smile spreads across my face.

My words waver her confidence for a second, but then she composes herself and passes her fake smile to the crowd.


After our wedding photoshoot, as the reception begins, I watch Grace socialize with our guests, her facade of happiness and charm never faltering. However, I know the truth behind her smile. I know the deceit that lies within her.

Throughout the night, I keep a close eye on her, observing her every move and every interaction. I can see the way she manipulates those around her, using her beauty as a weapon. But I am not a fool. I know the evilness resides within her, and I will make sure she pays for it.

Despite her evilness, I can't deny that she still possesses a certain allure. Her beauty is undeniable, even if it masks a darkness within. And perhaps, deep down, I still feel a flicker of something for her.

I take a deep breath, reminding myself of my purpose. This marriage is not about love or happiness. It's about teaching her a lesson she won't soon forget. I won't let my emotions push me back.

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