Chapter 41 This is my family

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Steve's P.O.V.

As I come outside to convince my father to give Grace a second chance, I see him seated on the sofa, glaring straight.

I settle down beside him.

"Dad, I know your anger is justified. Keep Grace aside and think about your grandchildren. They deserve to live with their mother. It's not right to separate them from her." As I explain to him, he stares at me, his face etched with anger.

"I'm thinking about my grandchildren only, Steve. If they stay with that woman, they'll become like her. Why don't you understand, Steve, she'll have a bad influence on them?" I lower my gaze, hearing all this. It really hurts me to see my father angry at Grace because I love her. Although l can't forgive her, I can't see her in pain and let anybody berate her. But what dad is thinking, I can totally understand from where he is coming from. So, I must handle this situation with care.

I take a deep breath, trying to find the right words to convince him. "Dad, I believe people can change. Grace is their mother, and I've seen a different side of her. Maybe, with time, you can see it too. We can't let our personal feelings overshadow what's best for Giana and Evan." I make him understand, staring at him with hopeful eyes, wishing he might change his mind.

He scoffs, shaking his head. "Steve, you're too forgiving. She deceived me, ruined your life. I can't just forget all that."

I explain, "Dad, I'm not asking you to forget. I'm asking you to consider the possibility that people can learn from their mistakes. Grace has expressed remorse, and she wants to be a wonderful mother. Our children deserve to have both of their parents in their lives."

His expression remains stern. "Steve, you're risking everything for a woman who ruined your life."

"Dad, I'm not risking anything, trust me. I just wanna give our kids the chance to grow up in a family. For Giana and Evan's sake, I'm begging you to give Grace a chance to prove herself." I implore, my voice filled with determination.

He utters after a few seconds of silence. "Fine, she can stay with us, but only as a mother of the twins. I'll never make her a part of our family.

I give him a slight nod, understanding his decision.

He warns me after a few seconds of silence. "Steve, if you're willing to take the risk of entering Grace in our life again, then be prepared for the consequences."

I reassure him, "Don't worry, Dad."

I am willing to face any consequences to have Grace in my life. Without her, my life becomes unbearable. Despite she was a pain in my ass in the past, deep down, her presence brought me happiness. The time we spent apart made me realize that I need Grace in my life, no matter what. Without her, my life feels incredibly dull.

As I return to the room, I see Grace strolling around, holding our little princess close. Giana looks up at her mommy with those adorable blue eyes. It's such a heartwarming sight!

"Grace." As I call her, she immediately looks at me.

"Did Dad agree to let me stay with the twins?" She asks in a worried tone.

I give her a nod in response, and a wide smile lights up her face. Her eyes shift back to little Giana, filled with love and joy.

"See, my angel? I told you Daddy would make everything okay. He convinced Grandpa to let me stay with you. Now Mama will be right here with both of you." As she holds our baby close and plants a gentle kiss on her forehead, I admire them with a smile on my face.

She again looks at me and expresses her gratitude. "Thank you, Steve. Although I did so wrong with you, you're still supporting me. It means a lot to me."

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