Chapter 33 The False Accusations

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In the evening, as I enter my mansion after a long day at the office, Grace greets me with a playful smile.

"You did great last night? Let's do it one more time." She teases with a mischievous grin.

I glance at her, my frustration growing. "Grace, we need to stop this. It was a mistake, and we can't keep repeating it."

She raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Oh, come on, Steve. Don't act like you didn't enjoy it. Or are you afraid of your wild side?" She moves closer to me, guiding her finger down my face sexily.

I clench my fists and resist the urge to react, reminding myself to stay in control. "Grace, it's not about enjoying it. We're getting divorced, and we should focus on that."

Although I want to kiss her, I push her away because I can't let her come close to me.

She chuckles, pushing the boundaries. "Should I invite another man from my one-night stand, Steve? Maybe that will awaken your wild side once more." She gives me a mischievous wink.

Her words strike a nerve, and frustration builds within me. "For you, it's all about sex, right?" I retort.

Her playful expression fades as she senses my anger. "Steve, I was trying to lighten the mood, and can't we make the last few days of our contract marriage memorable?"

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. "Grace, this isn't a joke. Our relationship is complicated, and we can't keep indulging in moments that will only complicate things further."

She looks at me, annoyed. "Fine, Steve. I get it. No more sex. Let's just get through these last days without adding more complications."

"Yes!" After saying this, I march out.


Later, I head to the club to get drunk to push Grace out of my mind.

As the night goes on, I continue to drown my sorrows in alcohol, desperately trying to forget about Grace and the complicated situation we are in. It's frustrating to develop feelings for someone who only sees me as a means to satisfy her desires. I despise the type of woman she is, yet my heart refuses to let go of the attraction I feel towards her.

As I sit at the bar, lost in my thoughts, a woman approaches me with a flirtatious smile.

She leans in, trying to capture my attention. "Hey there, handsome. Care for some company?"

I glance at her, frustrated. "Not interested," I reply in a curt tone.

She inches closer. "Come on, handsome. Let's make this night unforgettable." Her hand slides suggestively across my shoulder.

Anger flashes in my eyes, and I grab her wrist, my tone harsh. "Is that all you want, just like every other woman? Can't you see there's more to a person than just sex?"

Taken aback, she withdraws her hand. "Whoa, chill out. I was just trying to have a good time."

I scoff, irked. "Good time? Is that what it's always about? You all want one thing from a man, don't you?"

I take another sip of my drink, completely ignoring her.

As she leaves, I sit there, feeling a mix of anger and frustration. It seems like every interaction I have with women lately revolves around sex. It's as if that's all they see in me, and it's starting to wear on me.

I finish my drink and decide to leave the club. I can't drown my thoughts and feelings in alcohol anymore. It's not healthy, and it won't solve anything. I need to confront Grace.

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