Chapter 53

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The tabloids hounded me.

"Mikaela, are you really divorcing Trent?"

"Mikaela is this about the bruise on your face?"

"Mikaela is it true you've taken a lover in the British Virgin Islands named Enrique and that's who you're leaving Trent for?"

Well that was certainly a new one.

"Did Trent cheat on you?"

"Did you cheat on him?"

"Please, this is a private matter.  Please respect my privacy."  I said politely as I made my way into the aquarium.

Director Hildebrandt was waiting in my office.  He smiled like the cat who got the canary.  "So you made your choice then?  Work still trumps everything else?"

I shook my head.  "My personal life is none of your concern."  I answered stiffly.  "And director, keep in mind that when you lay in bed with the devil you tend to wake up in hell."

"What are you implying?"  Director Hildebrandt demanded.

"Last time I checked, when you cut a deal with the devil, he's the only one who wins, but I'm sure it will be different for you."  I smiled sweetly.  "Now, anything else or can I do my job now?"  I asked, exasperated.

My director left in a huff, surprising enough.

I focused as best as I could, operating off of my lap top considering that was the only place my data was now, and I  was prepping everything.  Construction was completed and we'd start the study next week.  Our patients had the rest of this week to make their arrangements for staying with us for the duration of the study.

Considering the whirlwind that was my personal life, my career was looking promising.  Thank God for Rory.

I wasn't surprised when he came barreling into my office.

"Mikaela, are you alright?"

I shrugged.  "Alright enough."

"What did that smug bastard do?"

"Relax Rory.  It sucks but it is what it is.  He may not want me anymore, but he's still funding our research.  I just want to focus on that.  Can we do that?  Please?"

"That moron must have hit his head pretty hard," Rory muttered.

"Rory,"  I warned.  "Drop it.  I'm not talking about it."

Rory ran a hand through his hair.  "Fine.  Business as usual."  He agreed.  "Under one condition."

I gave him my best annoyed expression.  "I hate that you put conditions on things now."  I deadpanned.

"Business as usual as long as you're really okay."

I nodded.  "I will be.  It'll just take time.  Time is not something that we have the luxury of wasting.  So let's get our work done here so that we can get down to the site and I can brief my doctors and nurses."

Rory smiled.  "Yeah, you're going to be alright.

Several hours later I'd briefed my medical staff and Rory had kept me company as I readied the rooms.  I was really looking to exhaust myself with work.  I was just trying to be the old me.  There was always some sort of busy work to be done.  I just needed to make it look good.

At the end of the night Rory surprised me when he brought up a pizza.  "Sit down and eat,"

I gave him a grateful smile and say down.  "I forgot to eat again."  I admitted.

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