Chapter 18

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Here you are my darlings. Late, but I hope you do enjoy! <3


Chapter 18

There was a little red sports car waiting. "What is that?"

"My newest investment." Trent purred. "You don't like it?"

"Wait, you just bought a car?"

"I was tired of not having a fast car."

"So you just bought one?"


"How? But - "

"Shh," Trent soothed as he opened the door. "Just get in, we'll talk on the way."


"No, in we go." Trent guided me into the car. Trent closed the door and got on the driver's side.

"How can you just buy a car like this? How much does something like this even cost?"

"Relax. I make more than enough to afford a little toy like this."

"How much?"

"Not much,"

"How much?"

"Less than $150,000."

"Holy crap!"


"That's more than I have left on my car and my graduate loans!"

"You have debt? I'll fix that."

"Trent, don't you - augh, that's not yours to worry about."

"You're my wife, and if I want to worry about your debt, that is something I actually get to worry about. As we're now married, we've inherited each other's debt."

"Trent, how can you drop that much money at once?"

"Mikaela, my last name is Ralston. Have you ever noticed how many of them there are world wide? My father is the CEO, a title that will soon be handed off to me. My salary alone is five of those cars. And that doesn't include my other investments."

My breath caught in my throat and I started choking. "What?"

"Relax," Trent took my hand and started thumbing circles on the back of my hand. "When I told you money was no object, I meant it. Money is a lot like air."

"What do you mean?"

"To a drowning man, his next thought is air. But, when you have enough of it, it's not a concern. When was the last time you thought about your next breath?"

"When my air line was damaged back in the Gulf."

"Exactly. When you have enough of anything, it's not a concern. Now please, for this year at least, let me spoil you like the princess I see you as. No more objections."


"Nope, now we're weaving in and out of traffic. If you don't want me to kiss you senseless while I'm dodging the car in front of us, stop arguing."

"No, you pay attention while driving. Where are we going anyway?"

"You'll see."

"Why do you insist upon these stupid surprises when you know I hate them?"

"Because I enjoy it."

"I hate this."

"You'll enjoy it. At least I hope you will."

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