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Ten Years Later

"Emily, get down from there! You might fall," I warned.

"She's fine," Trent promised as his arms encircled my waist.

"If she falls, she could get hurt."

"Brandon did it so she has to too." Trent reminded me.


"No more buts, come on, Chastity is watching them."

"Fine," I relented as Trent pulled me back inside.

We live in Florida now and it's been a good shift for us. I left the aquarium not too long after the whole blow up with my former director, Peter Hildebrandt. He served two years of jail time for extortion. My team came with me when I left, a fact I couldn't be happier about. My original theory fell through and I still do medical research today.

Trent and Nick still run the Ralston hotels and other businesses. Donovan eventually let go of the grudge he held against me. It was about the time Emily and Brandon were born. Twins. Thank god too, because my pregnancy was miserable. I was reluctant to have kids, but Trent really wanted them. It took him about 5 years to actually convince me. I took two years off after they were born. I was afraid to miss things with them and be distracted by work. They're four today.

My parents still live in Atlanta and Trent's parents still live in Seattle. It's nice that there's a little distance but not much. Anytime Helena or Donovan want to come visit they have the family's private jet and my parents are a short drive or flight down. We don't mind sending the plane up for them either. Everyone is here today because of the twins.

"Is it really fair to Chastity to make her responsible? I mean Nick and Nat already have her watching Eric  and Bryce."

"They'll be fine." Trent promised.

I kept watching them out the window. I always had my eye on them. Motherhood was something that suited me, which surprised me more than anyone else. Trent laughs at how protective I am, but I can't help it. I know what I went through and I never want to see my babies go through any sort of pain.

Helena walked into the kitchen, and while she was never warm and friendly to me, she wasn't scathing and cold either.

"Are they all in the backyard?" She asked as she glided into the kitchen.

"Yup, everyone's back there."

"Did you make their cake?" Helena asked at the cake that yes, I'd made.


"Hmm," was all Helena said before heading out back.

"Relax," Trent whispered as his arms went around my waist. "The cake looks great."

I shook my head. "It's lopsided and the penmanship could rival our kids." I sighed. "But it should taste alright."

Trent smiled. "I haven't seen Maddy. Let me check the bedrooms."

I wrinkled my nose. "Yes, please do."

The doorbell rang and I opened it to reveal Nikki and her husband Robert and their kids Paul and Kayla. "Aunt Mikaela!" Kayla squealed. She was a year older than Brandon and Emily and Paul was 9.

"Hey! Glad you guys could make it!" I hugged my best friend as they all shuffled in.

"An excuse to come to Florida and veg out on the beach? Plus I get to see your sexy ass!" Nikki grinned.

I showed them to their rooms, they'd be staying with us for the week.

I heard Trent discussing something with Maddy. "How long have you known?"

"Is everything alright?"

"It's fine," Maddy offered at the same time Trent said, "She's pregnant."

"Well, congrats." I offered.

"She doesn't want to tell Dad."

"He's going to kill me."

"No, he won't. He loves his grandchildren."

"I'm not marrying him," Maddy shot back.

"No one's telling you to." Trent laughed.

"Ugh, I'm an idiot. Today is about your twins, so whatever. Don't tell Dad."

"Okay, you can tell him in your own time. But you can't wait too long, he'll find out soon enough."

"Yeah, maybe." Maddy huffed.

I left them to discuss what Maddy's options were. Despite our rocky beginning Maddy and I got along reasonably well. We'd never be best buddies, but she liked me. She liked that when there was a tiff I tended to point out the other perspective. But she and Trent were close. Really close. She respected Trent's opinion more than Donovan's.

Donovan had threatened my research and to expose all the nitty gritty and dirty details of my past including my father. Trent pointed out to him that doing so would only reflect poorly on the Ralston name. He eventually gave up on driving a wedge between us. He doesn't exactly like me, but he doesn't hate me either. Again, something I attribute to the twins. For me, it was a really difficult pregnancy and it made me super sick. But they both came out healthy and that's what matters.

I called the kids inside as I lit the candles. We all sang happy birthday to Brandon and Emily and they happily tore into their birthday presents. They loved the extra attention they got today.

It was a great day, and was a lot of fun. When Emily ran over and threw her arms around Donovan's neck and said "thank you pop pop," his icy heart melted a little bit. My parents lavished my kids with attention. Spoiled beyond belief. Katie couldn't make it. She married an Airman and they were stationed in Europe and since she was pregnant with their third, it wasn't safe for her to travel.

"You did good, baby girl." Dad praised as the festivities died down. He picked up a sleeping Brandon who had tuckered himself out playing with his older cousins and Nikki's kids.  He brought Brandon to his room as Emily was sleeping soundly on Helena's lap. 

With an exhausted sigh I sat down next to Trent.  His hand found my knee and gave it a reassuring squeeze.  "I think today was a success."

I smiled and snuggled up next to him. I think so too. It had been a rocky road to get here, one I wouldn't be eager to repeat, but it had worked out in the end.


This is the end. I don't plan to do an sequel mostly because this isn't a piece I'm particularly fond of nor do I agree with the actions of the main characters. I'm really thankful to everyone who has supported me and encouraged me, I really am, but I know I'm capable of more and better. I hope you guys know that I appreciate all of my readers and I'm going to work to make the next piece I write better quality and more on par with what you deserve. Thank you everyone!

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