Chapter 33

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Here you guys go!  You earned it!  I'll throw the same incentive out there, 120 votes and 50 comments and I'll have the next chapter up within 24 hours of that happening.  I haven't edited yet, enjoy!  <3


Chapter 33

Trent opened the door for me and everyone else was already seated.  “You’re late,” Helena offered as she took a sip of white wine.  “We were waiting on you.”

“I’m sorry, I kept Mikaela,” Trent offered as he pulled out a chair for me, then sat next to me.  We were to the left of Helena and Donovan.  “Everyone, this is my wife, Mikaela.  Mikaela, you’ve met my parents, Nick, his wife, Natalie, and their daughter, Chastity, as well as my sister Madeline.  I’d like to introduce you to General Glenn Hasting, his wife Ellen, and their children Caroline and Jonathan.”

I nodded to each in turn.  “It’s nice to meet you.”

“I’d heard rumors you’d gotten married.” Caroline offered.  She was as gorgeous as Trent said.  She had beautiful blonde hair and big blue doe eyes.  Her nails were carefully manicured and her makeup flawless.  “Good for you, it’s about time you settled down with one girl.”

Trent gave a tightlipped smile.  “Thank you, Caroline.”

“Mikaela, what does your family do?” General Hasting asked.

“My family?  Oh, well my father is in the insurance industry and my mom is a homemaker.”

“Ah insurance?  What company does he own?”

I shook my head.  “He doesn’t.”

General Hasting exchanged a look with Donovan.  “No, Glenn, Mikaela does not come from money.” Donovan offered with a sigh.

“Tell me, what do you do then?”

“I’m a marine biologist.”

“Really?  Tell me about it.”

“I do medical research.  I’ll be doing testing for cancer treatments once I return home.”

“Interesting.  I must say, Trent, not who I expected you to end up with.” General Hasting admitted.  “What brought the two of you together?”

“I’ve been wondering that myself.” Helena drawled.

“Just because she didn’t come into this family the same way as you, doesn’t mean anything.” Trent warned.  “It took me forever to win her.”

“Win her?  Don’t forget she’s not some prize.” Caroline offered, her tone frosty.  

Trent spared her a glum smile.  “I’m well aware of that.  Thanks for your advice.”

“Caroline, it’s so refreshing for you to be back here.  Tell us, how have you been faring?”

“It’s been great.”

“I heard your new fashion line will be showcasing in Prague in a few weeks.”

“That’s right.”

“Surely you have something for your favorite little sister.” Madeline purred.

“Of course I brought presents.” Caroline smiled.  

“Caroline, Helena mentioned a line in Prague, are you in the fashion industry?” I asked earning a condescending smile from Helena.

Caroline smiled, but it was genurine.  “I am.  I have a few pretty successful brands.”

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