Chapter 5

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Look! I'm updating again! This one actually is a decent sized too, it was 7 pages on word :D I hope you enjoy, now vote XD

Chapter 5

We were loading up the truck. Thanks to a generous donation from the Ralston family, we were going to be able to continue our research. We were going to head out to the Gulf of Mexico to get practical research on the whale shark. One of the reasons we did our research with the Georgia aquarium was the fact that they have whale sharks that we can monitor and compare our research to. Despite being one of the largest living animals in the world, there is really very little we know about them. One of the reasons I chose this assignment. That and the theory I have on preventing cancer.

"You all set?" I asked my team as we closed the truck.

"I'm good." Rory smiled.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Merideth sighed. Merideth was tall and lanky with beautiful red hair. She was very modelesque but shy. Meeting new people always made her nervous.


"All set." He beamed. Jason is the biggest five year old you'll ever meet. This kid still watches cartoons and Spiderman is still his hero. The man is twenty-seven! But he always is good for a laugh and he does his job so I really shouldn't complain.

"Alright, if we're all set, go home, get a good night's sleep. We're leaving at 5:30 am."

"Sounds good."

Trent's arm slung itself around my shoulders and I shrugged it off. "What are you doing?"

"Just putting my arm around my wife."

"Stop saying that word." I hissed. That still made me uncomfortable.

"Very well." Trent wrapped his fingers around mine and I pulled my hand away, or tried to.

"What are you doing?"

"Calm down. I'm just holding your hand. Most married women want their husbands to take their hand in public."

"Well, just stop."


"I'm germaphobic for starters and I don't know where that hand has been."

Trent sighed. "Alright. Well, let's go home. I'd really like to get to know you better. Things like that."

I shook my head. "I don't understand you."

"Then maybe you can take the same opportunity."

"Why bother?"

Trent gave me a strange look I couldn't place. Then he leaned in closer and I froze. "Why not?" he whispered. His breath sent a strange shiver up my spine and my breath caught in my throat. He pulled away slowly and the smirk he was giving me made my cheeks go hot.

"Hey Kae!" I turned to see Rory smiling at me, his keys jingling in his hand. "Want a lift?"

"We can manage." Trent growled.

"Funny, I don't remember asking you." Rory smiled through clenched teeth.

What was the issue between the two of them. "Trent, don't be silly, it's easier than taking a cab. I always get a ride with Rory. He only lives a few minutes from my apartment anyway. Sure, Rory, that would be nice."

Trent sighed but smiled at me. "If that is what you want."

Rory pulled his car around and Trent opened the door for me. I got in and felt the tension in the car. It made me uncomfortable. Without saying a word I could tell Trent and Rory didn't like each other. Maybe they knew one another and I was just out of the loop. Yeah, that had to be it. I'd ask Rory about it later. The silence in the car could have choked me, it was so thick. Every attempt I made at conversation only seemed to make it worse. Rory must have noticed how uncomfortable I was and put the radio on. Rory smiled and softly sang along to Crystal Ship. His voice mingled wonderfully with Jim Morrison's.

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