Chapter 57

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My team surrounded me as we left the courthouse, the paparazzi shouting questions at us.

"Is it official?"

"What happened?"

"Mikaela, what did you win?"

As I got to the car I took a deep breath and turned. "This is a private matter, but you should know that no one wins in divorce. It's not a game, there isn't a winner and a loser. It's two people's lives that are now separated. How on earth could there possibly be a winner?" I got in my car, which Nikki was driving and we left. "They're like vultures."

"I know. I used to be just like them. They're just hoping to get that story that'll launch their career."

"It's stupid."

After a moment I felt the emotions rise up and I wasn't sure if I was just overwhelmed, overtired, or what but I started crying.

"Relax," Nikki soothed as she picked up lunch in a drive thru.

"I don't even know why I'm crying." I huffed. "I think that's what's got me so angry."

"Just like in Vegas, you're life has taken a pretty big shift in a single decision. You'll make it through this."

I nodded. "I know. We both know how this ends."

"And did you see the way that boy was looking at you?"

I shook my head. "What do you mean?"

"When you walked in that boy just about broke his neck doing a double take."

"No, he didn't."

Nikki rolled her eyes. "You were too busy to notice is all. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about." Nikki assured me. "Plus, as you were leaving the court room in tears that man just about fell over twice trying to catch up with you. If you hadn't stopped for him I would have tripped you. So, what happened in the chambers that got you all upset in the first place?"

I explained what Trent said and shook my head. "He's right. We want very different things long term. I don't want him to be miserable with me."

Nikki rolled her eyes again. "You're an idiot. There had to be a reason for you guys to get a divorce. He couldn't just say my daddy said we have to."

I nodded. "I just don't want to be the reason he's unhappy. I mean everything he said is true. I don't think I was his number one priority, but I know I was up there."

"So change it on the next go around." Nikki shrugged. "Look, for the next few months, all you have to do is focus on you, make it look like you and Trent are over and done with. Focus on your work. You still have a month left in your study, after that then you get to analyze to your heart's content. Plus I do believe you are due back out at sea."

I nodded. "Yeah, the season will be starting soon."

"So let me handle the logistics, you focus on you. Maybe learn a people skill or two in the mean time. Got it?"

I nodded.

"Oh and Trent wanted me to give you this, after he threatened me, that is." Nikki grinned and handed me an envelope. "I'll give you a minute." Nikki left me alone and I stared at it for a long moment before plopping down on her plush leather couch and carefully opening the envelope.


God damn I miss you. I didn't think it was possible to miss someone so much.

If I know you at all you've started to second guess yourself.


Don't do that.

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