Chapter 4

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This is for Kryzme because she is letting me stay with her at the moment, and just got a job and is just so freaking AWESOME!!!! This song has been stuck in my head, if you like Pride and Prejudice, go look up Bride and Prejudice. It's funny and I love that movie.

Alright, so this is WAY overdue and I'm so sorry it took so long, I've spent almost every waking moment looking for a job so I can live next semester. Hopefully I'll find one this week, I have my fingers crossed :D Anywhoosers, this is short, I know, but I'm writing the next chapter, it's already halfway finished, I just needed it to end here. Sorry darlings, I am writing when I can, but if i don't have a job, then i can't find a place to live or buy food and I'll die and then I'll never update again, I hope you understand.


Chapter 4

Fun fact about working in marine biology, it's doesn't usually smell good and it's almost never dry work. After several hours of manual labor and a few minor surgeries, we got the injured dolphins back in the water. Now their biggest threat is infection, which we will be closely monitoring for.

"You were amazing in there." Trent smiled. "The way you just took control."

I shrugged. "It's my team. It's my job to lead them."

"Nice work today, Mikaela." Rory smiled at me. Rory was the member of my team I was closest with. We'd started out as interns together and somehow had stayed together this long. I liked his company. He was smart, witty, and he always had my back. He never questioned me when I was working and always managed to make me laugh.

I shrugged and felt a smile tug at my lips. "Just another day at the office."

"Yeah, but most people's office doesn't involve underwater surgery." Rory laughed. "So, how was Vegas and who is your friend?"

"I'm her husband." Trent smiled offering a hand.

Rory cocked his head to the side, he had a smile on his face, but he didn't look happy. "Is that so?" Rory took Trent's hand and they both seemed to be squeezing the life out of one another's hand as they started to turn a purplish red.

"Um, Vegas was interesting." I cut in. "How about we stop at the café, I could really use some food." I didn't understand why the two men were now staring one another down, but I just wanted it to end. I hate confrontation. I don't like fighting. To be honest, it exhausts me.

"Whatever you want." Rory smiled turning to me. "And he said husband, that can't be right, can it?"

"Let's get some food and then I can explain?" I offered, hoping my voice didn't sound as meek as I thought it did.

We go to the little café that the aquarium has to appease hungry tourists. There isn't much, chicken fingers, fries, burgers, and sodas. At this point I honestly didn't care what I ate, I was famished. I ended up sitting with an order of chicken fingers, cheese fries, and a bottle of water.

"Well?" Rory prodded.

I looked up into his honey brown eyes. "So, Katie turned twenty one."

"This I know."

"And so I took a week off and we went to Vegas."


"And it turns out long island iced teas aren't actually tea." I sighed. Rory and Trent exchange a look and both burst out laughing. "And don't laugh."

"You thought a long island iced tea was really tea?" Rory laughs. "Oh that is priceless."

"Shut up, Rory." I growled, feeling my cheeks grow hot. "It's not funny."

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