Chapter One - Is it after the end of the original?

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Main characters never die? What a bullshit! Of course, they die when the reader's attention is elsewhere, after the story ended and everyone got their happy ending who deserved it in the writer's opinion. Like everyone else, the main character dies eventually. They are not always immortal or invincible.

That's something I had to experience myself. But let's start at the beginning.

I lived an average, happy and normal life like a lot of people did on Earth. During summer vacation, my family and my boyfriend's family went on a cruise ship but we met with a misfortune. The ship started to sink and my last memory is falling into the water from that time.

The next thing I knew was that I was looking up at a luxurious ceiling adorned with flower motives. I wanted to talk but only heard some strange sounds and when I wanted to get up I couldn't move as freely as I expected. I was really confused. Am I injured that terribly?

But then I almost forgot to breathe. A gorgeous man appeared before my eyes. He was extremely handsome with black hair and sharp, cobalt-blue eyes. He had a noble nose and nicely shaped lips. He would have looked scary if he hadn't smiled as sweetly as he did when he looked down at me.

I guess I died and he must be an angel. But I had to throw that delusion away the moment he picked me up and took me in his arms. He was huge and I was really small. That was the moment when the realization hit me that I was a baby. So I died and reborn? Is this some kind of fantasy novel? I do like to read them but personally never wanted to experience it. Or is it a fever dream? Maybe I lost my consciousness and it's just a dream? Or maybe I am between life and death and it's a hallucination?

My god. He kissed me on the cheek. How the hell should I concentrate on this weird situation if he acting like that? I am weak against handsome men.

„We have such an adorable daughter." The man said affectionately to someone I couldn't see. Don't tell me... Is he my father?

„Of course, she looks just like you." The woman's laughter was similar to a wind chime.

„Her eyes are like yours and her hair colour is mine, but she definitely inherited your features. She is just as beautiful as you." The man sighed. „I would have been happy if she looked exactly like you but I am just happy that both of you are well and healthy." Well, I can understand that. In Fantasy-Novel-Land childbearing women have a penchant for death. Especially if they are the wife or the mother of a main character.

But I still don't know what happened. Did I reincarnate? Is it possible? What kind of world is this? Based on the ceiling and his clothes I can tell that this must be a very different world and that this is a rich family.

„Damren." The woman's voice became very gentle, it was obvious they loved each other deeply.

„Here you go, darling." The next moment I was in someone else's arms. A beautiful woman beamed at me. She had dark violet hair made up in some difficult hairstyle that I couldn't even comprehend and her pale yellow-coloured eyes shined with happiness despite her tired appearance. She had a cute, little nose and her lips curved like cupid arrows. She wore some kind of neglige. Is it her bedroom?

„She is such a sweet child. Our little princess." She pressed her lips to my cheeks. Getting a kiss from such a beauty... makes me feel weird. I may be in the body of a newborn but inside I am almost nineteen. And I am straight but it still feels like an honour.

„I guess she didn't inherit your temper then, Anliliana." He said in a teasing voice and the woman looked at him pretending to be cross with him.

Wait, wait, wait! Wait just a moment! Damren and Anliliana? And their appearance... Don't tell me I am in the ' Hands off my knight' novel. Their names and looks match so if my name is...

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