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"BEFORE we go in there, pause," Jamie parks the car in front of the mailbox, turning to her sister.

The girl had spent the entire car ride fuming in silence, psychoanalyzing each of their friends over and over until she came to a conclusion.

"Why are we pausing? We have something to handle," she pushes her hair back, determination in her eyes.

"Because I know you and right now, you have your scary bulldozer face on."

"Scary... bulldozer?" she furrows her eyebrows. "Did you just profile me?"

"No, but whenever you're about to run into something guns ablaze you get a look in your face. And it typically ends badly for everyone involved. I just don't want you to get hurt because you're angry and not thinking."

"I am thinking just fine. So what if I'm angry? You should be too."

"I am. But those are our friends in there and you have a gun, which scares me."

"At least one of them is actively trying to murder us," Alex opens the door, growing uninterested. "I'd rather be alone than dead."

"Alex-" Jamie sighs, following her to the door.

"I know what I'm doing. You just be careful. You can't trust anyone in there. Not Mindy, not Chad, definitely not Amber," she sternly explains.

"Okay," she looks down. "What if we're wrong?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now, we have a party to get to," Alex smirks, knocking on the door.

"Holy shit, Jamie, Alex, come in!" a boy shouts as they enter Amber's house.

"Who is that guy?" Alex whispers to her sister.

"I have no clue, I thought you knew him," she giggles.

The party was in full effect, with guests downing cheap beer like it's water, playing music so loud you could feel your body vibrating, and the lights turned low.

"Are my eyes deceiving me or is Lexi Roberts at a party?" Chad teases as he hugs them both.

"After the day we've had, we could use a bit of relaxation," she responds, making him frown.

Jamie shares a look with Alex before walking off to find their other friends.

"I'm sorry. How's Eli? I would've come to the hospital, but I couldn't see him like that," he sighs. "Especially not after Wes."

"He's alright. It'll take a bit more than an idiot in a mask to take him out," she attempts to joke, but her eyes give away just how upset she is feeling.

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