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ELI wasn't sure what to expect on the staircase, but it surely wasn't a drunken Tara going up with Frankie.

The same Frankie quite infamous for being the worst human being alive, was currently gripping Tara with an iron fist.

"Hey, Tara," Alex pushes past her brother, standing on the first step. "Why don't you come back down? We can dance some more."

"I think she's done dancing," Frankie chuckles.

"Good thing she wasn't asking you," Jamie narrows her eyes.

"Let her go, man," Eli sighs, turning to Frankie.

Tara then trips a little on her way over, gripping his crop top as she assures, "No, Eli, I want to."

"Yeah, see Eli? It's okay, she wants to," Frankie yanks Tara hard enough for her to fall as he walks, and when Alex goes to help, he practically shoves her aside as well.

In her drunken haze, she loses her balance, slipping down the stairs as Chad helps her up. She winces at her knee hitting the wood, accepting his assistance graciously.

Eli, now pissed off, pulls Frankie down the stairs, pushing him into the wall.

"Don't touch my sister again," he pushes him harder into the wall.

"She shouldn't have been in my way," he chuckles. "You're just mad you didn't get to Tara first."

"Fuck you."

"Alright, Risky Business, time to go," Chad joins Eli's side once he ensures Alex is okay.

"Oh, your boyfriend coming to help?" he fake pouts. "She wanted to go with me."

"No, she's drunk out of her mind and you know it," Eli retorts, not once letting go of his collar.

"How about this: You can have her when I'm done. Maybe I'll take the other one for a spin too," he smirks, winking at Alex.

In a split second, Eli punches him in the nose hard enough for him to fall, beginning to go back for more when Chad pulls him back.

"He's not worth it, man," Chad shakes his head.

"Listen to your buddy. Maybe you should keep better watch of your girl and this wouldn't be a problem," Frankie cups his bloody nose.

"Fuck this," Chad rolls his eyes, grabbing his collar and pulling him up.

"Keep talking, man," Eli takes him from Chad, pinning him against the wall.

"Guys," Tara slurs out an interjection.

"Hey, hey, sorry to interrupt," Sam comes into the crowd, successfully pulling Chad and Eli away from the frat boy. "I'm just gonna tase you in the balls real quick."

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