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On one breezy California afternoon, Sidney comes knocking at the Hoss door

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On one breezy California afternoon, Sidney comes knocking at the Hoss door. She grins at Jennifer's carefully picked decorations they'd been putting out since 2009.

Ross opens it with a smile, seeming to have just come back from a run. "Hey, Sid, come on in. What's going on? I thought brunch was tomorrow night?"

"It is, don't worry," she chuckles. "Mark and I were cleaning up some old things from the attic, and we found this key."

He inspects it, confusion in his tone as he says, "I hate to break it to you, but I'm not a locksmith."

"It was Jen's," she explains, and immediately he grows serious.

"Oh. Do you remember what it was to?"

"Yeah, it was an old storage space. I've been paying for it for the past decade, but I never found the courage to go. I figured I could bring the kids with me. I know you said they were feeling a little disconnected from their mom."

"Yeah, they were," he takes a sigh, leaning against the counter.

"I'm sorry, I know with her birthday and everything that happened last month it might be terrible timing. But I think it might help," she suggests.

"No, I agree. I think the kids could really use it. I just... I don't know if I can handle it. I couldn't even go to the memorial in Woodsboro."

"I know how you feel, but maybe it's time," she smiles softly.

"Yeah," he takes in a breath. "Alex is at volleyball practice and Jamie has cheer but they'll all be back in like ten minutes. Want something to eat? Alex made banana bread."



Surely enough, the kids agree to go to the storage space the next day, each taking a deep breath as they open the gate.

It was practically a time capsule of her different eras, some things Ross could recognize as being her latest obsession, like her collection of records, or an unnecessary amount of midi skirts.

"I need to keep these," Jamie rushes to the skirts, while Alex lingers on the jackets in the corner.

Eli picks at the records, commending her taste before placing a few in his bag.

"She was obsessed with the Smiths," Ross chuckles. "Would play one of these every morning."

"She always gave more of a Britney Spears vibe in her pictures," he jokes, and Sidney clears her throat, revealing the In the Zone vinyl.

"She had a duality to her," Ross smiles, spotting her many pictures laid out.

He almost laughs at the sight of the scrapbook dedicated to their relationship, filled with so many memories.

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