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"GUYS," Alex shouts as she opens the door to the Carpenter place, effectively scaring everyone.

"What's wrong?" Quinn asks with a mouthful of popcorn.

"Turn on the news," Eli closes the door behind him, scanning the room. "Where's Sam?"

"Downstairs still," Tara sits up. "Guys, what's going on?"

"Can someone call her? Someone from Blackmore got murdered," Alex grabs the remote, while Chad runs to the stairwell to beckon Sam into the apartment.

Quickly they come back, joined by the cute boy Danny from across the hall. He seemed nice enough in their time here, often offering to help Alex and Jamie bring their groceries upstairs.

Eli also found him to be pretty nice, but like with most people, doesn't take that past face value, knowing that nice can very easily become murderous.

Alex finally finds the channel as they walk in, catching the segment right on time.

"I'm standing in front of the apartment building where the mutilated bodies of two students were discovered."

"Cute boy. Nice," Quinn grins.

"Their names have just been released by police. Jason Carvey, and Greg Buckner."

"Holy shit, that's that chode from our Film Studies class. The one obsessed with Argento," Mindy gasps.

"We saw him on the way to the party."

"Also found at the scene were various Ghostface costumes, a character popularized by the Stab movie franchise," the reporter adds, sufficiently shocking the group.

"You cannot be serious," Eli groans.

"Pack a bag. We leave in ten," Sam goes towards the kitchen, leaving no room to argue.

Alex furrows her eyebrows, worried as well, but knowing they couldn't just up and leave into the night.

"Wait, Sam," Tara follows her sister.

"We're getting out of the city," she asserts.

"What?" Danny tilts his head, reminding everyone of his presence.

"Thank you very much, suspicious new guy, but we got it from here. Have a good night, get home safe. Go, go, go, go," Chad ushers him out of the house, sensing the coming of a second Carpenter showdown any second.

"How nice of you," Jamie crosses her arms.

"Trust me, he doesn't want to witness this," he points to Sam and Tara.

"No, wait, let's talk about this for a second. Cause this might not have anything to do with us," Tara attempts to reason, earning several incredulous looks.

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