Terms mentioned through the story and meanings/Disclaimer

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Fly tower: area directly above the stage where scenery like painted backdrops can be suspended and lowered to the stage floor and raised out of the audience's sight.

Catwalk: A narrow metal bridge or walkway.

Amateur: Member of a theatre company that isn't professional.

Bit Part: A small role in a play.

Disclaimer: This is my own interpretation and ideas for the story, parts are subject to change.

Some scenes from the play or story may be left out because I don't see them adding to the plot for this particular story.

Please be respectful this is a work of fanfiction and of course, isn't going to be perfect. I'm open to criticism but not bullying, just please be polite and not rude about it.

Thank you so much for choosing to read my story I hope you enjoy it!

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