Chapter 13

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He roughly pulled me down the cement steps by my arms, making me scared that he was going to pull it out of its socket.

My heart pounded in my chest, the fears I had before being confirmed. The Phantom had taken me and I just hoped I could still have a chance of getting out of this, a chance for freedom, but I could see it beginning to slip away as I was pulled further and further from it.

"Down once more to the dungeon of my black despair, down we plunge to the prison of my mind, down that path into darkness deep as hell!" Erik shouted, his pull on my arm growing more violent with every word.

I stumbled at the last step, scraping my knees against the cement, shaking and breathing heavily with fear.

He aggressively pulled me back to my feet, his eyes continued to blaze with fury.

"Why you might ask, was I bound in chains in this cold and dismal place? Not for any mortal sin, but the wickedness of my abhorrent face!"

I could hear the echo of voices, that seemed to come all around me as anxiety began to grasp my heart just as tightly as the Phantom held my wrist.

"Track down this murderer, he must be found too long he's preyed on us but now we know!"

His eyes darted around and he breathed heavily as he continued ahead, dragging me behind him.

"Hounded down by everyone, met with hatred everywhere, no kind word from anyone, no compassion anywhere..."

Erik turned to me as we arrived back to the lair that he first brought me to, which then had me mesmerized but now had me crawling in my skin.

His eyes filled with complete sadness as he clutched my shoulders in his hands.

"Christine, why, why?"

I stared at the deformed side of his face, into his eyes seeing that he truly didn't know why I had chosen to do this, and I found anger filling my chest, replacing my fear.

"How can you truly not know what you've done, what you have put us all through, what you've put me through? You have manipulated me, lied to me, tormented everyone, murdered without thought, and now kidnapped me!"

"It is this face that condemns me to wallow in blood, has also denied me the joys of the flesh..."

He raised a hand to touch my cheek and I quickly backed away, the fear returning at what he might do to me.

"My face is the infection that poisons our love, this face which earned a mother's fear and loathing, a mask my first unfeeling scrap of clothing,"

I could feel the sadness fill my chest, remembering Meg telling me about his past in the circus, not imagining what it might've been like to not know a Mother's love just for the way you were born.

I turned my back to him feeling tears fill my eyes, not wanting Erik to see.

"Pity comes too late, turn around and face your fate!" He grabbed my arm, forcing me to look at him.

"An eternity of this before your eyes!"

Tears streamed down my face and I raised a hand to the deformed side of his face, as he stared into my eyes, I wanted him to listen to me, he had to listen.

"Your face holds no horror for me, it's in your soul that the true distortion lies."

Erik stared at the ground, I could see the tears silently streaming down his face, and then he spoke quietly.

"You're bleeding,"

I looked down at my knees seeing the blood that was dripping down my legs from my fall, then looked back at him.

"Please, let me go, please," I begged.

His hands moved down from my shoulders, tracing my arms, going to my hands, at first he gently held them then his grasp tightened.

A frown formed on his face and he looked up at me sharply.

"No, you will be mine, your chains are still mine, and you will always belong to me!"

I felt like throwing up my stomach twisting and twisting, my vision going in and out as panic swarmed my mind. Envisioning my future of always being here of him always being there singing songs in my head forever, and being eternally separated from the ones I love.

The world seemed to spin my knees buckled and everything went black.

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