Extra #2: Gifts and Coronations

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Traveling in such cold and snowy conditions was highly inadvisable but Error would climb the highest mountain and swim the deepest ocean to see this moment.

Geno asked him to be here and so he shall witness the most grand event of history. He trudged up the towering doors of the castle. The weight of his belongings added to the heaviness that he gracefully took. He packed only those that he considered valuable overtime: a fountain pen from his birthday, the stacks upon stacks of letters, the small trinkets from his family. They were beautiful no matter how cheap or expensive, displeasing or admirable they may be. The people who gave them and their intentions were all that mattered.

The guards wrapped in thick uniforms saw the prince through the curtain of white among the darkness and immediately ordered for the entrance to be opened.

Stepping inside the warm abode, the remnants of the snow seemed to melt immediately on his cloak. Thankfully, it was thick enough to not make him shiver. Error didn't notice much change in the castle except for the doubled number of servants. He knew he was a bit late than what was originally planned but he didn't need to explain himself to these aristocrats. He should be here two days before the coronation but Error had let Lust, Horror, and little Desire leave early through a rented carriage.

Error had never liked the attention and therefore, it took him a while to actually gain enough courage to leave his house by the border and travel here. Even right now, lords and ladies who are currently residing among the many quarters of the palace stare at him from their glasses of mead as they roam around trying to socialize.

The black skeleton briefly wondered where Fresh was but realized that his brother would only gain ire from how these nobles would cozy up to him. Some even wore colors as bright as Fresh's just to make it seem they were men of the same interests. The middle child trudged forward with one goal in mind: taking refuge in his room. He took the walk to the corridor specifically for nobles but before he could retreat further, two forces attempted to tackle him. Looking back, two baby bones have latched themselves on his back. With careful use of his strings, he pried the two off earning small shrieks of happiness.

"Again!" The two children giggled as they dangled from the cobalt blue strings. The magic supports them carefully to avoid any injuries. There were stares of disapproval from the crowd but seeing the grinning faces, it felt like the world tunneled onto these two.

He plucked them from the binds, letting each sit on his arms. Their little legs tucked tightly between his rib cage and arm. Fluffed up hood of the cloak framed Desire's face making his scarlet eye lights noticeable. "Hello, Desire,” the acknowledgement earned a toothy grin.

On his right arm, a hood covered another little boy's skull connected to the pristine white vest. A blood red scarf wrapped around his neck almost engulfing half of his face as it overlayed the article of clothing. A purple blush tinted the boy's cheekbones from all that excitement. "And hello to you, Geno."

"No, it's Goth!" The white-clad child corrected with a laugh.

"It is? You've grown so much you look just like your mother," Error feigned surprise and attacked the other with bursts of kisses.

The young boy playfully swatted him to get away. Error soon retreated and once they both regained their breaths, looked at that one snow white eye light and whispered, "A happy birthday to you, sweet angel."

Goth hugged him which actually surprised him a little. "Thank you, Uncle."

He decided to continue his walk while carrying the two boys. Both started to babble about their time together. All Error did was listen patiently. He climbed the marble steps letting every click of his boots echo across the hall. Error was about to turn the corner but came face-to-face with his colorfully-clad brother.

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