Chapter 14 - Abducted

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It was all Ink could get out as he was basically dragged from behind by his arms. He flailed as best as he could blindlessly through the air. He couldn't see anyone with the blindfold but he could hear three set of footsteps. He could hear whispers here and there. Suddenly, he got pinned on a wall. The hands covering his mouth gone.

"Is he one?" He heard from a man based from the voice.

He felt them taking off the scarf and he started squirming and yelling. "Hey! Hands off! Let me go!"

The scarf was taken off of him and a hand brushing on his collar. Ink shivered from the feeling of someone unfamiliar touching his neck.

"He is one. My suspicion was right!" A female said a bit delighted.

"Let's get him inside." A rough yet voice of a woman said.

"Hey! Stop! I'll tell Error about this!" Ink was feeling scared as he heard a door opening and the scarf not being brought back on his neck. "Let me go-!"

He was thrown right at a chair. It ached but he wasn't tied, his blinfold was being undid. His vision came back, seeing three monsters as blur at first before he blinked and he could recognize them. The place was almost dark and if he crane his neck more, a flight of stairs was there. It was a basement and the door infront of him might be the one they entered in.

"You're going to be okay." That blue scaled skin, red hair and eye patch was unmistakable.


She's smiling right at him maybe to console him but they aren't helping at all! The one beside him is a version of Toriel. Almost like of a child. Ink didn't know what the other's doing here. The other was Doggo, smoking away with his bone-like cigarette. Ink glared at them.

"If this is some kind of ransom, Error doesn't have any money left. I already spent it with the food." Ink eased out.

"Ha! We're not here for that, kid." Undyne grinned at him and Ink wondered if he looked really like a kid. "The name's Undyne. You are?"

Ink tried to play hard to get in order to get kicked out or easily get answers without asking. "Error said don't talk to strangers."

"It's useless, Undyne. The kid's too loyal to that General." Doggo glared at him and the artist made sure to glare back.

"No! He can still change, like me! He's even calling the General by his name and held no fear of him." The Toriel that might be really named Toriel said. "I'm Toriel and that's Doggo. We're here to help you."

Ink blinked slowly. "Last time I checked I'm mentally sane."

"We're not saying you're mad, kid. We're talking about your social status as a slave." Undyne explained.

"I... I'm not sure what you mean."

"I'm like you, sir! I was once a slave until I escaped and lived as a commoner." Toriel told him but Ink was sad that it seems like age doesn't matter in slavery.

"That's nice but I'm fine."

"You're completely well with being enslaved? Tch! Freak." Doggo sneered.

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