Chapter 2 - Dance and Play Your Part

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"-wake up-"

"Ink, wake-"

"Ink, wake up!"

"Ow!" Ink cried out as he felt stinging pain on his wrist.

He glared at Error. The Destroyer's hand held up to show a rubber band stretched by his thumb and middle finger, pulled back by his index. This presented that he did flicked the rubber band on Ink's wrist.

It was dark, not even the sun was shining through the open window. A candle was lit on the study table. He sat up when Error took a seat on the edge of the bed. He waved a book at Ink.

"I found this. It's the real Error's journal. I read all of it from start to end. There was a certain schedule he follows everyday. I caught up to it and he trains with different generals. He has a day off but right now, he'll be with the Second General." Error explained.

"Who's Second?" Ink asked as he put on his shoes.

"He never referred to them by name. Weird, I know." Error commented.

"So why did you wake me up early? Are we going to sneak-"

"I'm just saying so we could play our roles in time."

"...What?" Ink looked at him dead in the eyes before standing up. "I'm not, I repeat, I'm NOT going to play around with you."

Error gave him a look. "It's your fault we're stuck like this."

"I can disguise as a guard! We can-"

"We can't let the original suddenly die when Nightmare only saw you yesterday!" Error pointed out.

"But I don't want to roleplay as your SLAVE of all people!"

"It's not like you have any choice." Error tried to defuse the situation by not yelling.

"...What do you want me to do?" Ink gave up, it's not only him that will get in trouble, Error too.

"Wait here, chained on the wall and just don't leave the room." Error said as he stood up, wearing the coat that he picked from the cabinet.

"I'll do everything just don't chain me." Ink tried to negotiate, he hated being somewhere where he has no control.

"That would be a problem. There will be servants running around giving your food and guarding the tower. We'll be screwed if they assumed you freed yourself." Error said.

"But... I feel trapped." Ink said as he attempted looked at the collar.

"By the way, can you use your magic?" Error asked as he summoned his strings and made crafts using it, ignoring Ink's comment.

"Oh? Y-yeah, I can." Ink said and summoned the small magic he could use.

Before he could speak, strings wrapped around his wrists and he was pulled away from the bed by the blue magic around his legs.

"E-Error, I can't move if I'm tied."

"I know."

It took a while and by means of that, Ink was already leashed on the chain on the wall when he realized why the other did it.

"Let me go!" He pulled but it won't budge and he was getting irritated.

He approached Ink and leaned down where his ear should be. Ink stopped from thrashing as he felt Error's breath brushed on his neck. The cold wind battled with Error's hot breath. He sat there unmoving. 

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