Chapter 17 - Traitors

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"Who are you?"

Ink dared to ask as he pointed the blade right at them. He was sure he saw those eye lights before. He tried to rack his mind for anything in similiarities.

The assassin narrowed his sockets as he caught sight of the collar around his neck. "You're not a General."

"That doesn't answer my question! Why do you want to kill Error?"

The assassin seemed to show confusion. "Error? I wasn't... There must be a mistake from the informant..." They mumbled.

Then Ink remembered where he had seen those eye lights. Which AU exactly.


The other seemed to relax at this. "You're one of us? I was aiming for other Generals but never Fourth. I apologize for my mistake."

Ink narrowed his own sockets at the words. "One of you? No, I'm not-"

They both looked at the door as the distant shouts and footsteps steadily became louder. Ink looked back to see Lust who wasn't moving, probably paralyzed in fear.

"Look, I don't know why you're here and I don't want to be part of it. I won't tell anyone you went here and you won't tell your boss about me either. Is that settled?"

Lust nodded at him and Ink gave back the blade. He ushered the other to the window. They have to hurry. He looked back at the door.

"In Fourth General's quarters!"

Lust was already gone but he seemed to drop something on the floor. A small scroll was on the stone floor. Ink grabbed it after giving a brief overlook of the item before pocketing it and made his way to the chain leash. He fiddled with it until he hooked it properly to his collar. He knew he won't be out of it until later, he could put it on but he can't take it off without the key which is probably with Error. He sighed from his position and didn't let any emotions slip as guards barged in. He didn't glance at them but they seemed to ignore him because of well... being a slave. He didn't look up, no one was questioning him and no sooner, they were out of the room.

Once he heard nobody, he slipped the scroll out of his pocket. He took it out the tube and examined the almost tattered yellow paper. Lust won't mind if he take a look. He won't tell Error, this wasn't about the orb after all. Maybe something else. He unrolled it and read the words.

Tale of Twin Brothers

There once were twins, born from a great queen and kind king. The King himself held pride for two magnificent sons and promised a wonderful, joyful life.

The twins grew up together in happiness and sadness. Their magic soon manifested yet the revelation brought fear through the kingdom.

The younger twin was the sun, full of life and energy. Sweet and precious, he is. Everyone adore him so. Able to cheer even the saddest with single grace of his aura.

The older was the moon, lonely and reserved. Kind and gentle, he is. Yet everyone fear him so. Able to bring despair even to the happiest with single grace of his aura.

The Queen despised her older son as the twins reached proper ages. For she could not let such disgrace rule her precious kingdom. No matter how intelligent he is, no matter how graceful he is, no matter how talented he is, he would not carry the throne.

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