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we finally made it to the studio.

"Welcome in ladies and gentlemen. Take a minute to look over your scripts and we'll get straight into it afterwards"


DANIELLE: of course, i had to do the iconic scene first.

"You told Harpo to beat me!"

"Okay Dani! That was good, one more time"

FANTASIA: i had to practice the tap dancing scene first. to me, the scripts were pretty easy to remember.

"Ok Fantasia, step up on the table for me"

TARAJI: i was singing for one of the scenes. i figured i'd do that alongside the other scripts for that scene. it was all easy for me to memorize after about two or three tries.

after we went through every script. we were worn out, but we had fun for the most part.

"Attention please. Everyone of you did an immaculate job today! This is only the beginning and there's plenty more to come. I hope every last one of you have a wonderful night and I'll see you tomorrow. Night guys!"

we loaded the bus back up.

"You did good, I heard you singing in there"

"That wasn't me"

"Then who was it?"

"Shug Avery"

"Shut up"

"I'm not riding this bus again"

"Oh lord what's wrong now"

"I don't like not being able to stop when I want. I need to eat, my stomach is completely empty"

"I told you to eat at the hotel, but no you wanna be all boujee and drink black coffee"

"I wasn't hungry at the time"

my phone begun to rang, it was my aunt. my heart skipped a beat.

"H-hey auntie, what's wrong?"

"It's Kayla..."

"What's wrong with her?"

"Her little fast tail is pregnant"

"WHAT?! How the hell did you let that happen?!"

everyone looked at me crazy. i didn't give a damn in the moment.

"T, what's wrong?" Fantasia asked.

i held my hand up and walked to the back closing the door behind me.

"I didn't let anything happen, this is your child! I'm doing you a favor by keeping her here, cut me some slack"

"You right, I'm sorry. I don't- I don't know what I'm supposed to do"

"You can start by being a mother"

"You will not do that! Ok, don't do that! I'm a mother before anything"

"Does she know that?"

"No, I haven't had the strength to tell her. She thinks I'm her aunt"

"It's been eighteen years Taraji, you gotta get it together now! Eighteen years of you not being in your child's life"

"I know, I know"

"You gotta come get her. I can't do the teen pregnancy thing, I will not have that in my house"

"I can't right now. I'm about to start filming soon"

"That's not my problem. I've kept her for as long as I could. You have today or tomorrow to come and get her!"

"How am I—"

"I don't wanna hear it. Today or tomorrow"

"I'll um- I'll be there tomorrow"

"You better"

i threw my phone and cried.

my head was spinning. i don't even know how to approach her or what to say to her. i gave her to my sister and after my sister passed i took her to my aunt because of the life i was living with Kelvin. abusive, toxic, unstable, and the drinking problem that i had. he put me through hell when i was pregnant with Kayla and i couldn't handle taking care of a baby with my life in shambles. it's so much more to that, but i hate talking about it.

i dried my eyes and went back to sit by Fantasia.

"You ok?"


"Ok...what's wrong?"

"I don't wanna talk about it"

"T...look at me."

"I'm sorry, I really am"

tears fell from my eyes.

"Sorry about what?"

"I um— I haven't quite told you everything about my personal life"

"I know almost everything. What haven't you told me?"

y'all think Taraji should tell Fantasia about her child?

slowly coming back : tarasia  Where stories live. Discover now