sixty eight

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                           TARAJI P

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                           TARAJI P.

4 months later, i found myself working out again, meeting with old friends that i filmed empire with, photoshoots, putting more effort into my business, and going on vacation to relax my mind. to keep me busy in the morning, i usually go on morning runs, or ill just do yoga for two hours. now that im officially vegan, i have been trying to keep myself in shape and stay as healthy as possible.

and yes, my booty is bigger.

kayla and the twins moved out two months ago. she decided that it was time to do her own thing and have her own everything. i was a little scared for her to live by herself, but i have to live by faith and not by fear. my baby is growing up, and it's time she starts making her own decisions. when she works, either me or Elijah gets the twins. she's still a bit passed at eli, but she's slowly but surely giving in.

as far as me and fantasias relationship, we have been very consistent with each other and the communication between us is even better than it was just a few months ago. she checks up on me every day or every other day just to make sure im good, if ive eaten, or we just have small conversations about how our lives are going during this process, and of course the energy is returned. very short period of time spent due to her taking care of her son and handling other matters, but we always make it worth it. whenever she'd hang up, i would cry myself to sleep thinking it was over between us, but i was wrong. she reassured me that this wasn't the end or she would say small jokes about where she thinks our honeymoon should be, although she's never mentioned proposing.

as far as lilly, she dead as hell.
my poor baby.



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1 month ago, my son came, whose name is True P. Barrino. after i was called to pick him up, my life elevated even more than it did before.

kyla or as raji may say, sid is still in jail.
she was sentenced to two years for being a party to the crime.

on the bright side before any of these occured.

i would paint to calm me, workout five days a week, play a little basketball with the kids here and there, i went out a few times, went on a small water trip, and explore the wilderness. my mental health is getting better each day.

my relationship with Taraji has improved alot over these few months. the communication between us is mostly short, but also another memory for me. she listens when i speak instead of cutting me off, i listen to her when she speaks without interrupting her in any way. everything we couldn't achieve in our ongoing relationship was now being achieved through us simply hearing each other out, communicating better, and keeping the conversation short but worthy of it. when i look at her through the facetime video, i can she's happier, healthier, beautiful of course, and most times, i can tell when she's been crying. i would ask and she'd tell me because she thinks that we've officially ended things between us and i just have to let her know that just because we're separated doesn't mean it's the end of us. we're slowly coming back.

yall heiffers better unjump me...we may make it to the backyard wedding as one of yall mentioned.😂😂😂😂😂

it wouldn't let me upload fantasia pictures on the page.

what yall think the "p" in the babies name stand for?

slowly coming back : tarasia  Where stories live. Discover now